17 Weird Things All Pet Owners Do | The Odyssey Online
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17 Weird Things All Pet Owners Do

You won't admit it, but I know you have done at least one...

17 Weird Things All Pet Owners Do

If you have pets, you're probably guilty of some funny and weird interactions with your furry friends. You might not admit to it, but we all do them and our pets probably think we are weird either way, so might as well have some fun.

1. We pretend to be dead and see if they notice. They never do.

2. We call our pets on the phone and leave messages when we are away from them.

3. We show them pictures of themselves and say "look it's you!"

4. We refer to them as our children or our babies, and we literally mean it. They actually are our adopted children.

5. We make friends for them with other animals and assume they are now best friends after meeting once.

6. We have selfie sessions with our pets. They are just so cute!

7. We put on tv shows with animals to see if they notice the meows or barks. They actually do.

8. We've dedicated a love song to them and sing it to them to show how much we love them. "Boy I adore yooou."

9. We say bless you to them whenever they sneeze. Their little heart stops beating too when they sneeze.

10.We cry in front of them to see if they notice. They sometimes notice, but they don't care all that much.

11.We tell them they can't eat our food but we always give in because our pet is just so darn adorable! "Yes Max, here's the rest of my ice cream cone."

12. We celebrate their birthdays. Don't tell me you didn't buy your cat or dog a special treat and gather the entire family to sing happy birthday, dimmed lights, lit candles and all.

13.We have serious disciplinary talks. "We've got to discuss this attitude missy. You don't own this house. I'm sick of this back talk."

14.We know our pet is so much smarter than everyone else's pet. Your neighbor's dog is just so stupid next to your pristine feline.

15. We save them doggie bags from restaurants because they know we left the house to get food and didn't invite them.

16. We have normal conversations with them. "So what did you do why I was gone? Oh really that sounds so fun."

17. We forget that humans aren't as sweet, loving and easy to talk with as our pets so we try to ignore humans and bond more with our pets.

Our pets are our best friends and while we all do obsessive and probably abnormal activities with our pets, like calling them on the phone, it shows that we love them more than anything else. Our pets appreciate all of the constant love.

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