The Pacific Northwest has gained a reputation for hipsters, nature, and unending espresso bars. That's a fairly valid stereotype. The PNW is a beautiful part of the country, and is fully deserving of the attention it receives. It's easy to point out people from this part of the world, and a true PNWer is proud of where they come from. There are some no brainers for individuals who call the upper left coast their home.
1. Umbrellas are for tourists. Don't be that guy.
Might as well move to SoCal.
2. There is a wide range of good and bad coffee.
You know the difference, and have no tolerance for anything less than excellence.
3. It's not the beach, it's the coast.
A cold, rocky, and absolutely magical coast. Others sock up the sun and the sand, while you are perfectly content cozying up in a blanket and watching the waves crash.
4. Socks and sandals are meant to be.
Birkenstocks and wool socks were created to go together, and that is just the way it is. You are proud of your footwear, and don't plan on changing it any time soon.
5. Rain is constant.
Dancing in the drizzle, puddle jumping, and taking long drives in the rain are all a natural part of your day.
6. Berry picking is one of the greatest things of all time.
Berry picking also leads to berry pie. YUMMO.
7. The goonies.
Astoria, Oregon y'all.
8. You are, or you know someone who is, an avid hiker.
Hiking is literally life.
9. You have a city, the coast, the mountains, and a dry terrain all within an hour of your house.
Best. Thing. EVER.
10. Camp counseling is everyone's favorite summer job.
Tie dye and early mornings make the world go round.
11. It weirds you out when there isn't a clear bike lane on the road.
Cyclists are people too!
12. A hippie, a hunter, and an entrepreneur walk into a bar....and enjoy a perfectly handcrafted ale.
Is there anything else?
13. Locally grown food is the only food for you!
Seriously, you care about your food and where it comes from!
14. Recycling is just something you do.
Conform. It's OK, you'll get used to it. #gogreen
15. You have a high tolerance for cold.
It's the only way to be a sports fan in the PNW.
16. You are guilty of taking artsy pictures and using cliche hashtags.
No shame, you love your home! #upperleftcoast #westcoastbestcoast #explORe #pnw
17. You are constantly bragging about the beauty of your home.
And why wouldn't you? The Pacific Northwest truly is best.