17 Ways Technology is Killing Our Society | The Odyssey Online
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17 Ways Technology is Killing Our Society

Put your head up, look at the world around you, and talk to the people you love.

17 Ways Technology is Killing Our Society

It is inevitable that technology is slowly taking over our society.

Technological gadgets have become increasingly prominent in everyday life when compared to fifteen, or even ten, years ago. Our culture has become more and more reliant on the different ways we use technology, whether it be for schoolwork, communication, checking the news, navigation, or seeing what your friends are up to on social media. While all of this may be relatively harmless in moderate dosages, the overall impact of such prevalent technological use can ultimately be destructive. Technology is killing our society, and here are seventeen reasons why.

1. Lack of privacy

We use apps that track our locations, eyes constantly checking our social media profiles, and phone numbers and personal information listed all over the Internet. People know where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, and can know specific things about you, your friends, and your interests without having ever met you in person.

2. It’s addictive

Just what we needed: another form of addiction. It’s a very real phenomenon with very real consequences, such as the ones I’m talking about in this article, in addition to social isolation, developmental issues, and negative impact on schoolwork, the environment, and interpersonal relationships.

3. It’s a distraction

We often feel tempted to check our phones, whether it be to check messages or social media, no matter where we are, who we’re with, or what we’re doing. It causes distraction everywhere, including in the classroom and social settings.

4. We use it to avoid eye contact

It’s unnatural how frequently we walk past people whose heads are staring down at their devices. We check our social media to avoid eye contact or interaction because it’s easier and because we can. We need to learn to put our phones away and look at the world around us, to make eye contact with strangers, and to smile at them because that’s okay and part of being a human.

5. It harms the quality of human interaction

There’s nothing worse than sitting with a group of friends and trying to hang out but having those few who are buried in their phones. They're usually divided between the hangout, checking social media, the group chat, and side texting. It kills the moment. If you and your friends try putting your phones while together, you’ll realize how much more fun you have and how much more you truly connect with everyone fully invested in listening to one another.

6. We depend on it

From using GPS systems to relying on Google to feeling the need to check those daily apps you use, it is no wonder we become so dependent upon technology and have trouble functioning without it.

7. It’s expensive

Clearly, technology comes with a price... literally. Paying for all these devices, Internet bills, and various apps will leave a dent in your wallet. None of these problems come cheap.

8. Fosters laziness

Kids used to go outside. They used to spend snow days building a snowman and summer days running around backyards. Now, kids spend more time watching TV, on iPads, or playing video games rather than physical activities outside, cultivating laziness in our culture and a disconnection with the natural environment. The more time you spend sitting down staring at a screen, the more you want to do it, and the less desire you have to do anything that requires getting up and going out. Thus, people who spend most of their time sitting and using technology often end up lacking the motivation to do anything else.

9. Negative effects on eye vision and hearing

Not only is your vision harmed and eyes strained from staring at screens, but the headphones you use to listen to music also hurts your hearing. This causes more people to need glasses and to lose their hearing over time.

10. Harms sleeping patterns

We all watch Netflix right before bed and do that thing where we promise it’s going to be “just one episode” but end up binge-watching for hours, cutting into the time where we really should be sleeping, and then regret it when we’re tired the next day. It’s not only the technology usage taking up sleep time but also the fact that the glow from the screens makes it harder to fall asleep. You lose sleep time as well as quality.

11. Another source of stress

You probably don’t realize how often technology brings stress into your life - anxiety over Instagram likes, whether that boy viewed your Snapchat story, needing to charge your phone, and how you look in your pictures on Facebook. These are things that no one ever had to worry about until technology became prominent, and just add another dose of unnecessary anxiety to everyday life.

12. Negative effects of social media

We feel compelled to do certain things because we want to post on Instagram or Snapchat. We look at Facebook and see pictures of our friends having fun and looking great, which can harbor negative self-esteem and the feeling that you need to go out and party or go to concerts, or whatever it may be. We engage in arguments with extremists. We get distracted. There’s a fun element to posting your life online, but there’s definitely serious downsides to consider as well.

13. Can lead to depression, obesity, and self-esteem issues

Using technology causes a lack of human contact, healthy habits, and exercise. Some of this can be attributed to social media, but it is also the fact that technology use does not foster a healthy lifestyle and can cause serious personal issues.

14. Harms your memory

Technology causes us to use our memory less. We don’t need to remember birthdays, phone numbers, things we need to do, addresses, how to get places, or pretty much anything else with technology at our disposal. As a result, it impairs our culture's overall memory quality.

15. Shortened attention span

Students today have a shorter attention span than ever before. Technological usage can actually alter the way your brain is wired and significantly shorten your ability to pay attention.

16. Creates another form of bullying

Back in the day, cyber bullying didn’t exist. When being bullied, at least you knew exactly who was doing it, you had more of an opportunity to walk away, and it was happening to your face. Now, bullies can torment more frequently, hide behind a screen, and do it all anonymously.

17. Deceitfulness

Also back in the day, catfishing was never a problem. People found love face to face and there was no risk of doing so with someone who didn’t really exist. There is significantly more potential to deceive someone with the ability to hide behind a computer.

The harmful impact of technology is an issue I deeply care about, and these are some points I feel compelled to call attention to because there is not nearly enough awareness. Put your phone away and use your brain without depending on technology. Embrace the power of your mind. Use these devices on your spare time and don’t let them take away from the quality of the moments you spend with friends and family. Put your head up, keep your hands empty, look at the world around you, and talk to the people you love - I promise it’s more important than anything happening on that screen.

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