I recently rediscovered my love for the cult favorite "Boy Meets World". Who didn't love Shawn's hair or the Feeny call? The Friday night show had so many amazing moments, both comedic and dramatic. The life lessons and the down to earth characters were what made the show so iconic and memorable. Most of the show, though, took place inside the classroom. Here are 17 trials of summer school that I'm sure our close-knit onscreen family can relate to.
1. Spring semester is over and you've decided to do something productive with your summer.

2. You're excited that you are actually being an adult and start thinking about how much faster you're going to graduate.
3. Your excitement falters a bit when you get the first email from your professor warning you how hard the course will be.
But you suck it up and tell yourself you are going to surpass that professor's every expectation.
4. Then you see how much your textbooks costs.
*Major breakdown ensues as you remember that you are, in fact, a broke college student and not a fully functioning adult.
5. You finally get past that financial issue and reach the first day of class.
6. It doesn't take you long, though, to resent yourself for selecting that morning class.
7. You wonder how a professor can possibly pack so much information within a 2 hour period.

8. You start getting into a rhythm and think how smart you are because the class isn't as hard as the professor made it out to be.
9. Then the professor hits you with the news that the first exam is less than a week away.
10. You start panicking. You aren't ready for this exam!
11. You stop bothering to look nice for class because sleep and studying is more important than looks.

12. Your family and friends question your sanity when you decide to pull an all-nighter to fit in extra studying.
13. It's exam day and you just want it over with.
14. You get your exam grade back and are shocked at the passing letter looking back at you.
15. Repeat 7-13 a few more times...
16. You finally get your course grade back and nearly faint when you see how awesome you are.
17. You reached the promise land! Time to celebrate.
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