Urban Dictionary defines a bromance as, "a close relationship between two bros to such a point where they start to seem like a couple." Chicago Brohawks fans can all agree that Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews take the Bro-crown, Bro-cup, rather, for the best bromance of all time. All bromances must follow a set of rules called "The Bro Code." These examples not only brolidify that, but they also set #bromancegoals for the rest of us.
1. Bro fives and brews.
Kaner and Toews are each other's bro-to for a nice cold Bud Lite in the locker room after games. Note the perfect high five execution here -- bro code #59: when executing a high five, a bro is forbidden from intertwining fingers.
2. Brolectric Slide.
Bro code #9: a bro never dances with his hands above his head. Keep up the good work, Kane.
3. Bronames.
There is no complaining when it comes to their nicknames. Bro code #91: a bro DOES NOT choose his own nickname. A nickname is bestowed upon you by your fellow bros, either as a punishment or a reward for epic deeds, little Kaner. This applies for brolebrity names as well, Jontrick Tone.
4. In bros we trust.
I'm not sure if I would trust Kaner with a pick-up line...but it seemed to work out for Toews. Assuming Toews gets the girl, Kane seems to be following bro code #49: a bro shall not damage another bros’ chances to score with a chick.
5. Bass Bro Shop.
As experts of the bro style, Toews and Kane make sure to educate those outside of the hallowed bromance on fashion. Bro code #173: bros only comment on a fellow bro’s fashion choice if that choice will affect the bro’s ability to get laid. Well played, Walmart.
6. Hulk Brogan.
7. Brothority.
This bromance can handle the test of competition, so long as they follow bro code #70: if your team beats your bro's team, you have 24 hours to rub it in.
8. Bro and tell.
Bro code #110: a bro does not cock-block another bro for any reason... C'mon Toews.
9. Brobi Wan Kane-obi.
It's bro wonder Kane had a 26-game streak. His stick skills are out of this world. Toews follows bro code #54 here: every bro knows a bro who is the world's best at something.
10. Follow brotocol.
Bro code #122: ALL conversations between bros are subject to “bro-to-bro confidentiality," as executed by the Captain.
11. Let's bro Hawks.
Bro code #8: bros do not share dessert. As long as that's clear, bros may share celebrations in displays such as bro piles.
12. Unabroachable.
Make way for the Captain, Kaner. Bro code #158: games before dames. This bromance puts the game first, sorry ladies.
13. Extreme brotality.
Every play is the best play ever when you have a bromance like this. You'll notice that the announcers say these names back-to-back when replaying a scoring play. Bro code #19: when greeting another bro, never engage in a full embrace. This is an imperative code to brobey after bros score goals.
14. Double Bro 7.
Strutting into games like James Bond is about to call them for backup. Bro code # 121: a bro must never tamper with another bro’s suit, and must never impede on a bro’s ability to suit up.
15. Brotoshoots.
Bromances that photoshoot together, stay together. Keep in mind that bro tip #84: a bro is not expected to notice another bro's new haircut...but it's hard to miss when the mullet gets shaved.
16. Witness Brotection Program.
17. Bro Stanley.
Bro code #161: if a bro wins a trophy that can be in any way used as a cup, he will drink alcohol out of it as soon as possible.
At the end of the day, these guys set the highest #goals in the book of bromance. We can try to live brocariously through them, but we can never truly understand how much these teammates care about each other. Thrice they've confirmed their bromance through hoisting the Stanley Cup together. They are the ultimate bromance.