One of my favorite adult animated comedy shows has to Bojack Horseman. Some of the characters are all too relatable.
Here are 17 times you related to the characters of Bojack Horseman during your first semester of college.
1. You procrastinated writing your papers
Where did the time go?
2. You went out even though you knew you had a load of work you could have gotten done
Let the regret sink in.
3. You attempted to justify going to the party
I mean...
4. Some days, you just wanted to do was lay in bed all day and ignore your responsibilities
Do I really need to go to class?
5. You stress ate
6. You were overly dramatic about getting up for your 8 am
But it just seems so early?
7. You skipped breakfast
8. You put off doing your laundry, cleaning your room, grocery shopping, etc
I'll do it tomorrow...
9. You told yourself you would get up early to finish an assignment and overslept
Why did I think that would work?
10. No one wanted to listen to your ideas for a group project and you wanted to give up
11. Your friends tried to help validate your not-so-great decisions
12. You noticed your roommate was upset and wanted to cheer them up
13. You went to the gym... once or twice
There's always next semester.
14. Finals week came up quicker than you expected
15. You contemplated dropping out
Not seriously, but... seriously.
16. You gave yourself a pep talk
17. You celebrated when the semester finally ended
Finally-- cheers!