At the end of every Spring semester, we all have these amazing ideas of how we are going to spend our summer. Going to the beach, going on adventures, getting tan, getting fit, and most importantly, not doing school work. However, it never turns out as we planned. We spend our days working, taking summer classes, and watching Netflix. And then all of a sudden we realize it's August and we've accomplished zero of our summer goals.
1. Seriously, how is it August already?
I swear finals week just ended...
2. This summer definitely wasn't long enough.
Three months is not enough time to make up for 16 weeks of hell.
3. I'm not mentally prepared to go back to uni.
Classes, homework, papers, OH MY.
4. I've literally done nothing but work all summer.
5. And take classes.
6. I'm not any skinnier than I was in the Spring, either.
Being skinny this summer is cancelled, try again next year.
7. Or tanner.
8. How have I worked all summer, but still have no money?
*suppresses memories of getting food and online shopping*
9. How have all my other college peers managed to go on fun summer vacations?
10. I'm telling FAFSA.
I'm sure they'll be very interested to hear about your trip to Florida.
11. Okay, enough moping. There's still a few weeks left to enjoy the summer.
12. In fact, I'm going to plan something with my friends right now.
*sends texts hoping to not get ignored in the group chat*
13. And they're all working. Never mind.
14. I hope my classes don't suck this semester.
15. Oh, who am I kidding? They're going to suck.
16. What am I going to tell everyone I did all summer?
Working, taking classes, and watching Netflix is not an exciting story.
17. I have failed this summer. Try again next year.