We all know that feeling when you're sitting at your desk: you're getting ready to do your work, you sit down and all of a sudden you're so stressed you can't even start your work. This can be because of distractions, things going on in your life, and even your desk itself. Here are some things you can do at your desk that will make you less stressed immediately!
1. Organize, organize, organize!!!!!
Getting some desk organizers can be perfect for reducing stress! Get some pencil holders, binder holders and whatever else you can think of to help you organize! If you don't have a desk hutch, it could be a good investment!
2. Turn your phone on "Do Not Disturb"
Having your phone constantly go off can be stressful. Group chats, exes, annoying notifications. Sometimes you need to just turn off the distractions so you can focus and not be stressed.
3. Put a pillow behind your back!
This is ultimate comfort, especially if you have those uncomfortable dorm desk chairs! Getting a nice cute comfy pillow for some back support can definitely help ease any stress and help you relax.
4. Get a snow globe
If you're like me and have anxiety, some snow globes can be perfect for your desk. Any time you get stressed just pick it up, give it a swirl and instantly feel at peace.
5. Lose the clutter
Don't have a mess of wires around! That can be super stressful. Don't feel like organizing right now? Take any and all loose papers and stick them in a folder for now! You'll instantly feel better... until you need one of those papers.
6. Get a picture or two
This can be a little piece of home to make you feel more comfortable and happy while at your desk. It gives you something to look at to just relax. I have some pictures of me and my boyfriend and also me and my best friend. If I get stressed it's super nice to be able to look at these pictures and feel at home.
7. Calendars!
Desk calendars, wall calendars, agendas, white board calendars. Find the one that's right for you! Why is this stress relieving? You can easily write down all the events and due dates you have and not stress out about not knowing when they are.
8. Get some natural light going (if you can)
A little piece of heaven honestly. Instead of turning on every light imaginable, open your windows and let in the sunlight!
9. Spotify can be your best friend
Spotify has every playlist you could possibly think of, and if not you can make your own! My favorite is Acoustic Concentration, a lot of soothing guitars to help me relax and study. Sometimes I'll even make some tea and eat some gingersnaps to make me a little less anxiety filled before I start my work.
10. Get some fun office supplies to make it interesting!
Sticky notes, personalized stationary, cute pencils. The works! Anything that makes you happy will be worth buying! In this case Pinterest will be your best friend.
11. Aroma therapy
Bath and Body Works has some GREAT stress reliever lotion and hand sanitizer. But use what you want! If you're at home, get some candles! (Since they can't be used in dorms)
12. Breathing techniques
There are some pictures to help with this one, but pretty self explanatory.
13. Healthy foods + water
Trail mix, popcorn, hummus and some veggies, and some grapes (or fruit of your choice.) Having some brain food on hand can be good for studying/doing work.
14. Scheduled breaks
Instead of cramming in your work all at once and taking breaks whenever you feel like it, make a schedule. One break every x amount of minutes/hours studying. This can serve as some motivation for you to go and study and you won't be as stressed!
15. Comfy clothing may save you
Nothing is more uncomfortable than having to get up every 5 minutes to fix your pants or shirt or something. Throw on some sweats and a comfy shirt to help you relax and get in the mood to study.
16. Color!!!
This is the new way to relax and meditate. Adult coloring books (or kids, whatever you want) are a good way to take a break at your desk and just relax and not be so stressed. Head over to a bookstore and pick one up, or ask for them for your birthday!
17. Motivational quotes
Having a nice motivational quote can relax you, believe it or not. If you have deadlines and your inner voice is telling you that you can't do it, a nice motivational quote might prove otherwise.
*BONUS PRO TIP: Do a social media cleanse
Do this however you want, but here's a good link to definitely help! This goes along with turning off all distractions. You'll feel much better knowing you've cleansed yourself and are ready to tackle all your work.