So if there is one thing that our American government has taught us, it’s that Hillary Clinton has an extreme amount of privilege. Laws don’t apply to her and she obviously is immune to punishment. She lies, we still should love her, she breaks the law, well Hillary here’s a slap on the wrist, and in the midst of it all we still offer her a chance to be President of the United States.
Celebrities love her, and obviously so does Obama, but what would happen if we all had the same privilege? What do you think we could get away with? Here are 17 things I would do if I had Hillary’s privilege:
1. Speed, because it is not necessary to go slower than squirrels in a neighborhood.
2. Go to Marble Slab and eat all their ice cream for free.
3. Consider every day “Cow Appreciation Day” at Chick-fil-A to get a free meal.
4. Allow myself to take my next test open-book.
5. Walk in front of a moving taxi just to scream “I’M WALKIN HEEERE”
6. Jump over the gate to avoid subway fees.
7. Designate myself a new member of Taylor Swift’s “squad” and invite myself to her house.
8. Go to Target and volunteer a donation of stuff to myself.
9. Record a movie in the movie theater so I could watch it later.
10. Assume popcorn at the movie theater is “unlimited.”
11. Drive on the left side of the road to see how British people live.
12. Enforce a 100 percent off coupon code at Hobby Lobby.
13. Write the police officer a ticket for making me late to class.
14. Throw away my speeding ticket and say “sorry sir, I don’t recall getting a ticket.”
15. Borrow a puppy from the pet store for a few years.
16. Pay my rent in smiles.
17. Donate compliments for a tax write-off.