Western is the best school that I could have chose as my home the past four years. I fell in love my senior year of high school when I took a tour of the campus. Now being a Senior and have experienced all Western has to offer, I wanted to reminisce what it was like to go to college here.
1. WCU stands for Whee Carry Umbrellas because everyone knows it’ll pour down rain while you’re walking to class, but the sun will come out as soon as you get inside.

2. Using the phrase "Hey can I get your 920?" as a pickup line on your friends or a way of joking around.

3. Being able to get to know your professors because the class sizes aren't that big. If you're like me, you like that sort of thing, and it is useful in the long run whether you need a recommendation letter or to use them as a reference, you know you have made a friend.
4. You will not be able to walk through campus without seeing at least one person you know. It’s always nice to feel welcomed or loved; I promise you can’t go through Western's campus without seeing at least one person you know and if you can.... you live under a rock.
5) The Cullowhee Crud. Let’s be honest, everyone gets this sickness at least once a year, maybe twice.
6) Never being able to find a parking spot anywhere on campus where you won't get a ticket. Then when you finally see someone walking to their car, hollering out the window asking if you can have their spot.

7) Bobs- you can't keep them away, the complex was torn down then built again, and they came back for a second go 'round. The prices are higher than normal because it is so convenient being on campus, but yet we love them anyway.
8) You’ve gone to 100 tailgates but only a few (if any) football games, maybe it was just the big games, or maybe you never went at all, either way, y’all know what I’m talking about.

9) Always saying, and believing full heartedly that if you walked under the Belltower before you graduated, you were NOT going to graduate on time.

10) El PAT is an important food group in your diet. Sangria Sunday, Marg Monday, Taco Tuesday, etc. ok so maybe I’m making some of these up... but who doesn’t love El Patron!

11) Jack the Dipper... the best warm waffle cone/bowl you have ever had.

12) Mrs. Jan- RIP sweet lady, you are missed so much. Always walking into the cafe and seeing your smiling face and how you remembered each person name always brought a smile to all.

13) Tucks - need I say more?

14) Catafount, where everyone is obsessed with taking pictures because it is so beautiful. It is a prime meeting place and a staple part of campus.

15) Always having the longest lines at Einstein's. It is so good, so everyone went there, at the same time. So frustrating.

16) Saved the best for last. Chancellor Belcher. Did you really go to Western if you didn’t get a picture with the Chancellor? He’s the best; he loves our community and lives for our school. No one has a Chancellor better than Belcher.

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