Even though we don't realize it, we rely on our dads so much. Not only are they the first man that we've ever loved, but there also full of answers that moms simply can't answer. So thank you to the dads that still are willing to help when we don't have everything figured out.
1. "What does this light mean on my dashboard and why is it flashing at me?"
Is my car going to explode?
2. "Can you fill my tank?"
I really just don't feel like it today--or any other day.
3. "How do you schedule an oil change appointment?"
Can you just do it for me?
4. "What happens if I ever get a flat tire?"
I don't think I can change it by myself.
5. "How do I deposit a check?"
Better yet, how do you even write a check?
6. "Can you help me file my taxes?"
Because I don't have the time or patience to do it on my own.
7. "Can you fill out my FAFSA for me?"
You're just so much better at it than I am.
8. "What highway do I take to get to (fill in the blank)?"
I'm directionally challenged.
9. "Can you kill this spider for me?"
10. "How do I start a 401K?"
Please help me because I have no idea what I'm doing.
11. "What is a good price for a new car?"
I just don't want to get ripped off.
12. "How do I jump my car?"
Uh red on the positive, right?
13."Can I have some money? I'm broke."
14. "What the heck is an IRA?"
Something about retirement, right?
15. "What should I do if I locked my keys in my car?"
It was an accident, I swear.
16. "What should I include on my resumé?"
Make me sound smart!
17. "What would I do without you and your help? I love you."
You're the best, dad! Thanks for all your help.