17 Things I Want To Accomplish
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17 Things I Want To Accomplish

My Fantastic Bucket List!

17 Things I Want To Accomplish
Non Stop Destination

1. Graduate college

This is one of the first things I want to achieve before anything else on this bucket list. Graduating college will allow me to finally settle down and do what I want. A college education will take me to different places I want to go. Imagine the possibilities and what you can do with your degree. You can do anything your heart desires. For me, it all starts with this accomplishment.

2. Get a cat

The cats in the picture above is the exact breed I want to get. I always loved the Siamese coat and blue eyes. Growing up I was never allowed to have cats. I fell in love with them from going to my friend's house. Even though they aren't always the friendliest, they are independent and great pets.

3. Get my dream job

As of now, my dream job is to work for NASA. I've always been interested in space exploration and almost anything that has to do with the subject in general. But since I am still in college, I have kept an open mind to other things. I also love children, so teaching or becoming maybe a pediatrician would be great too.

4. Write a book

I'm actually already in the process of this. I'm still in the beginning stages of it, but I am hoping it will go somewhere. I love writing, because it's very relaxing and takes my mind away from other things.

5. Become fluent in another language.

In high school, I took Spanish for two years. Even though I did learn the language, I didn't become fluent in it. To me, it takes everyday practice to become better at this. I would love to become fluent in Spanish, but I also would love to learn Russian-especially if I work for NASA one day. Companies love people who are fluent in other languages.

6. Learn to fly an airplane

This sounds crazy, but I actually want to do this. I am not sure when I will do this, but it doesn't hurt to put it on the list. Fun Fact: I actually used to be scared to fly! It's not so bad and is safer than driving. You have a higher chance passing a way in a car crash than a plane crash.

7. Get married

Here's a common one on people's bucket list!

8. Be a great parent

Like I said earlier, I love children. So of course, I want kids! I want to raise my children to love and accept everyone for who they are. Teaching your kids the right thing to do and how to be a generous person is one step to becoming a great parent in my book.

9. Live by the beach

It's always been a dream of mine to live by the beach. I hope one day I can accomplish this. I really love Florida. The beaches are absolutely beautiful!

10. Attend the San Diego Comic Con

Anyone that knows me knows that I am a big Doctor Who fan! So, why wouldn't I want to go to Comic Con?!

11.Attend the Olympics

Girls gymnastics is my favorite Olympic sport! What's yours?!

12. Attend the Superbowl

Professional football is one of my favorite sports to watch on TV. I think going to the Superbowl would be an amazing experience!

13. Go storm chasing

Call me crazy again, but I've watched people do this on TV. It seems like such a thrill! Of course it's dangerous and sometimes it can be heartbreaking when you see people's homes destroyed, but some of these guys I've seen of TV are great first responders. In the long run, they do help many people!

14. Visit all 50 states

40 left to visit! Some states I really wanna visit that I haven't yet are California, Alaska, and Hawaii.

15. Visit the United Kingdom

Like I said in #10, I'm a big Doctor Who fan! I would love to visit Cardiff, Wales. This is where most of the show is filmed and also the spinoffs like Torchwood and Class. I would love to do the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff Bay! I'm a big fangirll! Next, I would love to see Stonehenge and visit London to see the sites. I would also like to see the Greenwich Observatory and Cambridge University, since I love astronomy. Cambridge University is home to the apple tree that inspired Issac Newton to formulate his theory of gravity.

16. Visit outer space

Another crazy idea, but this will actually become more common in our lifetime. Private companies have already started investing tourist space travel. Virgin Galactic is just one company for example. We still have a long way to go, but I do think this is possible to be accomplished during my lifetime.

17. Crossing things off my bucket list

In the end, I hope to accomplish all the 17 things I listed here in this article. Before I leave this Earth, I hope I can enjoy the many things life has to offer. From graduating college to visiting outer space, I have many bold things to accomplish! Throughout my 19 years here I already have crossed out many things off my list and look forward to crossing off many more.

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