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17 Things To Love This Valentine's Day

On the two year anniversary of the Parkland massacre, let's honor the victims by sharing what we love.

17 Things To Love This Valentine's Day
Personal Photo

Tragedy is always scary, but it never feels real until it is. I am part of the Parkland community. I live in a little city right next to Parkland and the community is so tight-knit that we share a fire department. Two years ago today, we lost seventeen souls to a tragedy that changed our community forever. My home, the place I grew up, was terrorized by someone who never should have been able to do so. My friends, people I know and love, were hurt or even killed in this tragedy.

Some of my friends were so fortunate as to make it out unscathed physically, but will mentally never be the same. I will never mentally be the same. Our community will never mentally be the same. Those families will never be the same. All because of one human's selfish acts on a day that was supposed to celebrate love. We now have memorials, candle lightings, and vigils to celebrate lives lost.

In honor of a day that will now and forever be rough, I wanted to celebrate love again. To honor the seventeen victims, I want to highlight seventeen things I love and that I am grateful for.

1. My health.

Health is so important and not everyone has this luxury. So many people take their health for granted, and no I don't mean when you have a cold. Many people struggle with cancer, mitochondrial disease, heart defects, etc. and I am fortunate that I don't have to struggle. Therefore I am grateful.

2. My family.

Nowadays, it's a rarity to see a household with parents that haven't separated or divorced. I am loved by both of my parents (who are still together), my sweet little sister (basically my best friend), my Nana and Papi (who we are very close to), and so many more family members who love me unconditionally. I love my family so much and couldn't be more grateful for them.

3. My friends.

From childhood to adolescence, to college, I have met so many wonderful people and have made so many wonderful friends. I have to give a quick shoutout here to my best friend Meaghan, who has been my friend since kindergarten, I love you and am so beyond grateful for you. To the rest of my friends -you know who you are- I love y'all and I'm grateful for y'all.

4. My education/school.

As an education major, knowledge really is power and the opportunity to expand on it, especially in college, is so valuable. And as always... Go Noles!

5. My home.

My home is South Florida and my second home is in Tallahassee and I love both places oh so much. Not to mention the physical structures themselves. I am so grateful to live in nice places and have a roof over my head.

6. My support system. 

Yes, these are my friends and family. Yes, these are my sorority sisters. However, it's more than that. Friends are just friends until you tell them something personal or go through something extreme together. These people then become something more- your support system. I am beyond grateful to have people like this to help me through my lows and support me at my highs.

7. Being able-bodied.

This is a trait that so many people forget they are privileged to have. So many people lose limbs, are paralyzed, and wheelchair-bound and here we are complaining about walking to class. I wanted to take this platform to publicly state how grateful I am for being able-bodied.

8. My dog.

Personal Photo

WOW, AM I GRATEFUL FOR COOPER! He licks my tears away when I'm sad, always gives me all the cuddles, and is always right by my side. I couldn't love my dog any more than I do and here's a picture of him.

9. Dance Marathon.

I could go on and on forever about how much I love this organization and how grateful I am that it came into my life, but I'm gonna keep it short and sweet. Dance Marathon gave me a metaphorical home away from home, my first college friends that I will have forever, and gave me another perspective on life. By raising money, I am changing the life of someone who isn't as fortunate as me to be able-bodied or healthy and I can't believe I am capable of making all of this difference. Also, if you wanna donate to me in my efforts to raise money for the kids, click here.

10. My job.

Currently, I am a cheer coach and camp counselor. In the past, I worked as a bat mitzvah hype dancer. Through every job I've ever had, I was so fortunate to meet so many amazing people, learn how to work well with others, become incredibly responsible as I always was responsible for other humans, and was able to fall in love with working with kids.

11. The kids I work with.

Now, these kids... they're something else. Through all the attitudes, rolled eyes, and terrible listening skills, I would never trade any of the kiddos I work with for the world. Once you're my kid, you're my kid forever and I love and cherish every single relationship I have with the kids I am fortunate enough to teach, coach, or mentor.

12. My possessions.

I know this is slightly materialistic of me, but I do have a lot of nice things that I love. My laptop (which literally goes everywhere with me), my phone, my Beats, my nice clothing, and shoes are all things I am super grateful for as not everyone is able to work hard for or receive what I have. Now, material possessions aren't everything, but since I am lucky enough to have some nice stuff, I am sure to be grateful for it every day.

13. Freedom.

People have different opinions, but America is a nation that's known for "liberty and justice for all." As an American, I have many freedoms, and quite honestly, I love the freedom of speech and freedom of the press because it allows me to write, share my thoughts, and express myself through platforms like this.

14. My sorority.

The home away from home that took a while to get, but I am so grateful for.

15. "Me time."

If you know me, you know how important time by myself is to me. Everyone should embrace their alone time. Love it, be grateful for it.

16. Opportunity.

Opportunity is everywhere, but it comes easier to some. I love the idea of opportunity and I am so grateful I am able to take advantage of opportunities every day.

17. The little things.

*Que "My Favorite Things" by Julie Andrews*

Chocolate covered strawberries and a good nap in the rain. Pairs of cute sunglasses and pink things. I could go on and on about all the little things that I love. In all the darkness the world can bring, the little things are minute in comparison to other things and they can make you smile. They're usually the things you turn to on a bad day and they're often things we take for granted. Don't forget they're there if you need them!

This Valentine's Day, in honor of Parkland, hug your loved ones a little tighter, love a little harder, don't go to bed angry, and tell the people you love that you love them. You never know which day will be your last. #MSDStrong #NeverAgain

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