17 Things To Do In 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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17 Things To Do In 2017

For anyone who hates having a New Year's Resolution

17 Things To Do In 2017

The new year is officially in full swing, which means your New Year's Resolutions are either failing or doing surprisingly well. This year, instead of just making resolutions, make some goals to achieve. Instead of doing things like exercising, or study more, or spend less money, here are some fun things to do to help you look forward to the coming year while also benefitting yourself.

1. Travel

Traveling is something truly so beneficial. You get to see a new place, experience it with your friends or your family, and just generally take a break from the hustle and bustle of your life. Plan a fun trip with your family to somewhere new, whether it be a beach, amusement park like Disney World, or sight seeing like Washington D.C. There are so many places to go and things to see that this will be a great experience for everyone!

2. Journal

Journaling is such a great way to get whatever is on your mind off of your mind. It is a calming way to de-stress your body, all while creating something cool and fun to look back on once you finish the school year or even the whole year.

3. Photography

Photography is another calming past time that really lets your creative inner self out. Taking pictures of what's around you and then editing the pictures to your liking is a calming and creative experience that is so easy to do, but so beneficial.

4. Spend some time by yourself

Yes being in college is supposed to be the time of your life and spending time with your friends 24/7 or whatever, but sometimes you need a little time for yourself. Go to a coffee shop or bakery and bring your homework with you. Spend the day studying, eating, and just having some time to yourself. Sometimes you need it.

5. Call your family at home

Not only will this make you feel better, but it will make your family happier as well. Talking to your family at home is a great stress reliever and it makes your family happy to hear your voice and to hear how you're doing.

6. Binge watch Netflix without feeling guilty

Usually a Netflix binge happens when you're supposed to be doing homework or something else important. Set aside some time after you're done with all of your studying for the night, pick a tv show or some movies and just watch. Trust me, watching Netflix un-stressfully is way better than watching Netflix stressfully.

7. Have a night in with your friends

Yes going out can be so much fun, but sometimes a night in is so much better. Watch some movies, eat some junk food, do whatever. Having a night with just your girls can be so much better than hanging around drunk frat boys.

8. Visit your friends at other schools

Driving to visit your home friends is honestly such a great experience. Road trips can be so much fun, plus seeing your friends and where they go to school just adds to it. It's always fun to go visit a new campus and see what your friends from home to get to experience every day.

9. Get a summer job

This seems super obvious, but working a summer job is more than just making money. It's working with other people your age, making more friends, and honestly having fun while you work. The best memories are always when you have absolutely no customers and you all just goof off together.

10. Take a position in an organization you are a part of

Whether it's your sorority or fraternity, or a club on campus, take up a position. It will be such a great experience to be working with other people who have the same goals as you, plus you'll get some awesome experience to put on your resume.

11. Go on a shopping spree

Yes money can be tight as a college student, but sometimes everyone needs some good retail therapy. For one day or one night don't worry about the money and treat yourself. You'll feel so much better afterwards and you'll have a cute wardrobe.

12. Do a road trip by yourself

No matter if the drive is 2 hours or 12 hours, doing a drive by yourself helps you to learn a lot about yourself. It's also a good way to see parts of the country that you wouldn't see if you flew.

13. Read as many books as you can

Reading is something that I personally have really slacked on since I started college. Recently, I have tried to make more of an effort to try and fit more reading in and it's awesome. I read fiction if I want to get away for awhile, or biographies of celebrities since I'm way too into pop culture. I loved fitting reading in more, so I hope that you get a chance to as well.

14. Spend all day in bed

This is another treat your self thing to do. There are some days where you just deserve to stay in bed or on the couch all day with snacks, movies, coffee, or whatever else you want. It's so refreshing, and I highly recommend.

15. Stress less

Obviously this is way easier said than done, but sometimes you just need a break. Go to Target and walk through every section of the store, have fun with your friends, talk to your mom on the phone. Take a break from whatever is causing the stress in your life, it will do your mind good.

16. Go to school sporting events

School spirit is pretty cool. And it's a lot of fun. Even if you don't go to an SEC or don't have a D1 sport, go to your school's club sports games. They're still pretty fun, and think of all the fun Instagram pics you could take with your friends all dressed up in your school's colors!

17. Remember these for 2018

All of these are great ways to get involved, have fun, or just relax yourself and your mind. If you loved doing these throughout 2017, be sure to remember them for 2018 and do it all over again to have another great year!

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