"Being roommates with my best friend is great because I don't have to worry about you judging me. I could walk around naked and you wouldn't care. I could dance really badly in the kitchen and you still won't care." - Abby Engel
For many of us, going away to college will be our first experience with roommates we aren't related to. Almost everyone you talk to will tell you about their roommate horror story or how someone they know had the worst possible roommate and it will terrify you. But not everyone will have a bad experience with a roommate. And some of us get really lucky and will end up being best friends with our roommates. I am one of the lucky ones who is best friends with my roommate and I couldn't imagine living with anyone else.
So here is a list of 17 signs you may be best friends with your roommate(s):
1. Terrible dancing in the kitchen is a daily routine.
2. "You won't believe what happened today!"
3. "What should we make for dinner tonight?"
4. "Do you want to watch Netflix instead?"
5. Your Snapchat is filled with embarrassing pictures and videos of one another.
6. "When are you going to be home?"
7. "I don't care that you're naked, I'm coming in anyway."
8. You can get a family pet.
9. As soon as you leave for the weekend, you're already texting one another trying to figure out when you'll both be home again.
10. When one of you needs to pull an all-nighter for class, you both pull an all-nighter.
11. When you go a little too hard on a night out with the girls, you have someone to tuck you in.
12. You also get to wake up to the ridiculous amount of videos she took of you while you were drunk.
13. "Will you come sit in the bathroom while I shower so I don't have to be alone?"
14. Ridiculous plans and ideas are normal in your house.
15. You do everything together.
16. She will always be there to be brutally honest with you.
17. You're never alone.
If your roommate truly is your best friend, living together will only allow you to become even closer. You won't let petty drama or fights come between your friendship and you'll only end up making countless memories that you won't be able to wait to share with your kids one day. If you can think of more signs your roommate is your best friend that wasn't on this list, feel free to comment below!