Finals week is right around the corner and with dead week coming up, students are already piling up in the library and drinking excessive amounts of caffeine. All study rooms have been reserved and everyone is pretty much stressed out. Here are some of the things we might think of during finals week.
1. “I need coffee!”
Coffee has saved lives of many college students.
2. Someone: How are you? You: Good! (I’m dead)
I haven't slept for 834 years, I'm OK though.
3. “People are so loud. This is a library!”
That moment when a table right next to yours act like it's not finals week or as if they're at the bars.
4. “Crap, there’s no space in the library.”
I guess I'll stay right here.5. “Where do I even start?”
6. “I have so much to do!” *goes on social media*
This is my weakness, honestly.7. “I think I should move my bed to the library”
8. “I have to do laundry, but I need to study.”
9. “I still need to pack.”
When you have 5000 exams, 22928 papers and still have to pack because you're flight is right after your last final ...10. “How are people so happy right now?”
11. “3 out of 10 pages done! I made progress”
12. “I just read that sentence three times."
13. “I might just wing it.”14. “Can I just go home already?”
15. Me trying so hard to concentrate:
Mantra: Don't look at your phone. Don't look at your phone.
16. “I just want to sleep!”
Just when you're about to sleep, you think about the 1000 other things you have study for for finals.
17. “Can I just have an A, please?”
Good luck with final exams, everyone!!