After 7 Seasons, several years, and 160 episodes, Freeform's show "Pretty Little Liars" has grown close to all of our hearts. It has kept us guessing for years and kept us on our toes until the final episode gave us all the answers. In honor of it, here are 17 things "Pretty Little Liars" has taught us.
1. Hanna Marin taught us how to justify things
2. Choose your friends wisely
Keep them close and treat them well. More than likely they are going to be the ones in the game with you.
3. Ezra taught us sometimes life doesn't always go your way but you have to keep going with it
4. The bond between a mother and her daughter is like no other.
Ashley Marin showed us a true real mother would do anything to protect her kids. She deserved mother of the year.