The following are some annoying things that we have encountered during our time in college and just life in general. Enjoy.
1. When you're walking and you come across some slow walkers who seem to have no sense of urgency...
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Like seriously, do you have nowhere to be?!
2. When people just stop in the middle of a busy walkway to talk.
Helllllllooo? Please move to the side so other people can get on with their lives.
3. When you're in line for something and the person behind you is basically breathing down your neck...
I need some personal space, please.
4. When you're trying to exit a conversation and the other person just isn't taking a hint
Hey, great talk, but I'm late for a nap.
5. When people just start macking in in the cafeteria, or in class, or in the library, or in places where you just don't mack.
Don't. Stop. Right now, stop.
6. When people ask if they can join a group of your friends but they ask to join while already making themselves a part of the group
JUST KIDDING. We don't actually hate you. 97 percent of the time we want you to join but it's just a pointless question. I mean... sure, what are we gonna say, no?
7. When people who aren't in charge and have no authority, try to act like a know-it-all and run the show...
PSA: you aren't in charge for a reason.
8. On a similar, but slightly different, note... when people think they are incredibly talented at something and they just aren't. Singing. Singing is a good example of this.
And it's okay! Not everyone can be talented at everything!
9. When people use the bathroom stall next to you when literally every other stall is open.
10. Gym woes pt 1: When there are 20 treadmills or bikes or ellipticals open but they just HAVE to use the piece of equipment right next to you. And you're just trying to hold it together like...
This is comparable to the bathroom dilemma in level of annoyance.
11. Gym woes pt 2: When girls sit/lay on the mats texting or laughing or gramming or scrolling through facebook.
Some of us actually have to work for those abs. Laughing doesn't cut it. Move your butts.
12. When people just aren't funny. No one is laughing. How are they always the only people that don't know they aren't funny?
Look around. Notice that no one is laughing.
13. When everything, no matter what the topic, will always, without fail, circle back to being all about them.
Even this young child knows that this is out of control selfish behavior.
14. When people just don't get social cues.
This could cover a whole host of things but just generally annoying overall.
15. When people around you check themselves out in every single reflective surface near them.
Your reflection is the same in the gym mirror now as it was in the window of the door to the gym that you just looked at yourself in approximately two minutes ago.
16. When people in classes or meetings ask questions that are unnecessary or were already answered.
Please do not speak just to hear your own voice. Do not prolong our time spent here... we have things to do!
17. When no one asked for their advice but they just have to give it anyways.
We just don't care but thanks.
Apologies for the level of sass here but sometimes, at the end of the day, people around us have pushed every button and we find ourselves feeling like Monica.