Being awake at weird times can be tricky, but don't worry. My dear friend, you are not alone. Everyone thrives in a different type of environment, so, without further ado, here are 17 things only people who are nocturnal will understand.
1. Naps are essential:
There’s pretty much no difference between doing one load of laundry, or going to all 5 classes you have one day. Both will inevitably result in a two-hour nap…minimum.
2. Texting is basically impossible:
Whenever you’re in the midst of homework and need to ask afriend for help, you’ll realize it’s actually 2 a.m. and reaching out for help
now will most likely end up in no response. And, when you do send a message to
someone at a reasonable hour, there’s a high chance you’ll be taking nap by the
time they respond.
3. You're always the person who never wants to leave the party:
Your friends hate you for this. They usually go to bed at a reasonable hour.
4. It's impossible to be in a relationship with someone who isn't a fellow nocturnal:
Otherwise, you’ll blow up your boyfriend's phone while he's asleep, wake him up, and guaranteed, he won’t be too happy.
5. It can be really hard to find a relationship:
Most of the people who text you after midnight usually are up to no good.
6. Your parents don't trust you:
Okay, it may seem a little sketchy that you’re always upuntil 5 a.m. In reality, you’re just catching up on the work that you didn’t do
earlier in the day. Haven’t you ever heard of someone doing aerobics at 4 a.m.?
7. Social media is a rabbit hole:
Just when you tell yourself you’re going to sleep at adecent hour, Buzzfeed quizzes happen.
8. It's impossible to eat good food during the majority of time you're awake:
Guys, it’s time to start having more places open until 1 a.m.9. If you have a roommate, he/she probably hates you from time to time:
Dear Roomie, I am sorry that my phone light is constantly on.
10. You do your best thinking at night:
Yes, professor. I did come up with my graduate thesis in thewee hours of the morning.
11. Obviously, mornings are not your friend:
And those peppy people in my 8 a.m. class will never know how close they come to death every morning.
12. What you consider to be morning time, most people consider to be afternoon:
"What do you mean you stop serving breakfast at 10 a.m.?”
13. Therefore, places that serve breakfast all day are a godsend:
Thank you, IHOP, for understanding the true meaning of life.
14. Caffeine addiction is a thing:
And every barista knows your order by heart.
15. People will judge you and think you're lazy:
“OMG, how do you ever get anything done?? If I didn’t go to my 7:45 a.m. yoga class, I don’t think I’d be able to function!”
16. People will think they're better than you:
The truth is, this would happen anyways, even if you were on a "normal" sleep schedule. People can suck.