1. We're better than Waubonsie Valley.
We're like Waubonsie 2.0, the newer, better version of the Valley Schools.
2. Metea who?
As much as they try to be a part of the Valley Schools, Meatea Valley just doesn't register as competition to us.
3. Neuqua isn't that hard to spell.
You just have to remember the two u's.
4. We've got 7+ Grammy Awards.
Which means that our school's music department is da bomb (this is one of those things we take pride in...even if we're not in the music department ever).
5. Keith from the Try Guys went to Neuqua for his senior year.
Is there anything we can't do?
6. Upstate Eight was better than DVC.
Can you tell I'm bitter we don't have a literary festival anymore?
7. Even though Waubonsie is our rival, if we didn't win, we'd rather they win than any other school...say Naperville North for example.
If we lose (which we don't), we'd rather lose to the winners.
8. District 204 is better than 203.
It's simply a fact.
9. Even though you go to Neuqua for 4 years, you still have middle school allegiance.
Where are my Scullen kids at?
10. Long live the Neuqua Goose.
Despite your talent at scaring the living shit out of us and attacking every human that dares to sully you with their presence.
11. If you've ever walked the Catwalk, you're basically a Legend.
Because who doesn't want to walk the Catwalk.
12. Calc 3 was death
13. The Birkett Freshman Center (BFC) is still the Gold Building.
Yes, I know it's supposed to honor staff...blah blah...it's still the Gold Building.
14. Kevin Cordes went to Neuqua.
If having an Olympic swimmer as an alumni isn't cool, I don't know what is.
15. Writer's Week was an awesome time to chill.
And even if you didn't enjoy the writing, you at least had a week off of English classes.
16. Who the fuck was Yifan Zhao?
You know, the guy who walked passed 95th every day...like who is he really?
Note: I mean this in the nicest way possible. To Neuqua students, Yifan Zhao is a mystery, a legend. I do not want anyone to mistake this as him being weird or somehow a mean person. In fact, I have been assured by a friend that his is a nice guy... however, for now, to Neuqua, he will remain a mystery.
17. Deathrow Derrow is actually a badass.
She stared down two muggers with a gun, and stared them dead in the eyes and told them to shoot.