Kids seem to get away with everything they possibly can, whether its somehting as innocent as picking up random bugs, or something as weird as shoving random things up their nose. We, as adults, can't get away with these things sadly. But here are 17 things that kids can get away with, that we cant!
1. Spitting out food when you don't like it.
Or storing it in your cheeks like a hamster instead of chewing it. Just swallow, it'll be okay.
2. Just eating the pieces you like and leaving the rest.
You willbe silently judged.
3. Picking up random bugs you see.
You might be inclined to stop, but the person you're with would probably rather keep walking.
4. Eating Play-doh.
It was so salty and soft, but it's made for hands, not eating.
5. Sticking random things up your nose.
It's generally frowned upon, and that pea belongs in your mouth, not your nose.
6. Falling asleep where you want, whenever you want.
It's not as cute when you're an adult, asleep at a table with drool coming out of your mouth. always. plan. your. naps.
7. Asking "why" whenever you don't understand something.
8. Treating your skin like a canvas.
you can't just pretend to be a tiger whenever you feel like it anymore.
9. Eating food off of the floor.
We have to pretend like we abide by the "five-second rule."
10. Covering your hands in glue, waiting for it to dry, and then rejoice in peeling it off.
Ok, you've probably done this at least once in your adult years.
11. Wearing clothes inside out.
On a college campus, you could probably get away with this. An office atmosphere? not so much.
12. Drawing bad pictures of people and having them claim you're Picasso.
It's harder to earn a spot on the fridge now.
13. Throwing a tantrum when you can't get something at the store.
You have these annoying things called self-awareness and embarrassment.
14. Throwing a tantrum because you didn't get your way.
Refer to number 13 above.
15. Hanging around in clothes covered in stains.
It's like were expected to be clean or something all the time.
16. Getting overly excited when you get offered fruit snacks and juice.
You can't act like you haven't seen food or water in days.
17. Being obnoxiously loud.
It's not as cute when you yell everything you say.