If you grew up in Dayton, Ohio odds are you've done most (if not all) of the things on this list.
1. Told Someone about how Ohio is the Birthplace of Aviation
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If you're from Dayton then you're probably at least a low-key aviation enthusiast. And at least once you've told someone all about how The Wright Brothers went from their humble bicycle shop to completing the first powered flight. Haven't heard the story? Find someone from Dayton they'll be happy to tell you.
2. Gone to a Dayton Dragons game
Everyone loves cheering the hometown baseball team! Daytonites are especially loyal fans; in 2011 the Dragons broke the record for most consecutive sellouts by a professional sports team.
3. Watched the fountains at Riverscape during the summer...
4. ...And gone ice skating during the winter
Riverscape is fun any time of the year! Cold weather or hot weather, it's always nice to stroll along the Miami.
5. Gone to the NMUSAF
Dayton is home to the largest collection of military aircraft in the world- you can see it all for free at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. If you grew up in Dayton you've probably spent at least an afternoon perusing the galleries.
6. Boonshoft Museum of Discovery
This is the best place to go when you're a kid. Between the playground and the water works, the tidal pool and the zoo you can spend hours playing here.
7. Gotten Ice Cream at Young's Jersey Dairy
Feeding the goats, eating ice cream, putt-putt golf, and hay rides in the fall- Young's Dairy is the best!
8. Made the trip to Kings Island every summer
Kings Island amusment park is outside of Cincinnati but every summer Daytonians make the trip down to ride some of the tallest, fastest roller coasters in the country.
9. Schuster Center shows
The Schuster Center is the place to go in Dayton to catch a touring Broadway show or a performance of the Dayton Opera, the Dayton Ballet, and the Dayton Philharmonic.
10. Hiked in a Metro Park
The Dayton area's system of Metroparks are a great way to enjoy the outdoors!
11. Gotten Annoyed by North Carolina's License Plate
Remember the whole Birthplace of Aviation thing? Well back in 1903 the Wright brothers from Dayton, packed up the airplane that they designed in Dayton and built in Dayton and they brought a bunch of people from Dayton to a beach in North Carolina to test their airplane because there were some nice winds there. And North Carolina has the nerve to think that makes them "first in flight." Yeah, no.
12. UD basketball
Daytonians love their basketball and everyone loves cheering on the Dayton Flyers!
13. Bill's Doughnuts
There are two kinds of people in Dayton. People who love Bill's Donuts and people who have not had Bill's Donuts only to be knocked backwards by shouts of "YOU'VE NEVER HAD BILL'S DONUTS??" We'll also tell you that Bill's Donuts was named one of the top 33 donut shops in America.
14. Felt personally offended by the fact that we didn't get a Space Shuttle
When the Space Shuttle program ended the shuttle orbiters were divvied up between the nation's top air and space museums. Two went to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. and Cape Canaveral in Florida of course. But Dayton? The Birthplace of Aviation? The home to the Wright brothers, Neil Armstrong, and John Glenn? The National Museum of the US Air Force? NO. We were snubbed. Denied. And we will never forgive nor forget.
15. Visited the Dayton Art Institute
Dayton is a city that has is all. Sports, restaurants, music and even a classy art museum. If you grew up in Dayton you've at least been here for a school trip and maybe even gone back on your own.
16. Complained about Dayton
Let's be honest now. We've all complained about Dayton. Whether it's the endless construction on Malfunction Junction or the long, dreary winters we like to knock on Dayton sometimes.
17. You love your hometown 
After all, just like your siblings, only you can make fun of Dayton. Because whatever else Dayton may be it is yours and it is home. And you think that's pretty great.