There has been a lot of negativity going around recently about how bad 2016 has been. Although there have been some bad things in 2016, there were also some really great moments. Either way, it's time to look forward to what's in store for 2017. Here are 17 things that are coming in 2017 to get you excited for the new year.
1. The return of your TV favorites and sequels
We all love the holidays, but one of the worst parts about it is we have to wait till the new year to watch our favorite TV shows. However, as the new year approaches we'll get season seven of "Game of Thrones," season two of "Stranger Things," and much more. Along with that, so many sequels are coming out such as Spiderman, X-men, Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers, Star Wars and even more great movies.
2. The development of drones
Drones were already made big in 2016, but starting in 2017, it's about to become the next big thing. Companies such as Google, Amazon and Walmart want to use them for delivery and to help improve the inventory process. These drones could help create endless opportunities.
3. Hamilton going national
This record-setting Broadway musical is finally going national which means we don't have to travel to only New York or Chicago to see this spectacular show. It's exactly what Hamilton fans have been waiting for!
4. A head transplant
It sounds impossible, but an Italian neurosurgeon names Sergio Canavero is already making plans for this operation. The surgery will involve 150 people, 36 hours, really cold temperatures, bio-compatible glue and a diamond knife. 2017 is bringing us things we never thought imaginable.
5. Nintendo's newest invention
Starting in March 2017, you can switch effortlessly between playing games on your TV screen to playing on your tablet in your hand. The last time Nintendo had a major breakthrough was in 2012 with the Wii U, so they are expecting this to be even better.
6. Virtual reality
Virtual reality, along with many other devices, surfaced in 2016 which only means it's going to get bigger and better. They expect to make virtual reality more compatible with other devices as well as creating more virtual reality experiences.
7. iPhone 8
Although they're not sure if they're going to name it the iPhone 7s or iPhone 8, they know it's going to be one of their best phones yet. The designs and features really show how much our technology has advanced. This is the 10th anniversary of the iPhone so they're making sure this is one everyone is dying to get.
8. Continuation of smart home products
2016 was a big hit for smart home products like Google Home and Amazon Echo. Word is that Apple is looking into creating a product similar to these. Everyone is enjoying these products and are looking into further developing them.
9. "Mean Girls" musical
Yes, you heard that right. Tina Fey has been working on making Mean Girls into a musical. That's so fetch!
10. Solar eclipse
In summer of 2017, a solar eclipse will darken southern cities like Charleston and Nashville for a few minutes. But even if you don't live in the south, it will still be visible with less intensity.
11. Kate Brown becomes the country's first openly LGBT elected governor
This is a big deal considering she's the first open LBGT governor to be elected. The world is continuing to further accept the LGBT community and it truly shows how much our world has developed in loving everyone of all kinds.
12. Moon adventures
Google is sending rovers to the moon to send us back high-definition footage. This could lead to new discoveries.
13. DeLoreans
The DeLoreans motor company is letting buyers reserve their timeless vehicle online. This is the same car that fans went crazy for in the "Back to the Future" movies.
14. High speed trains
A company called Hyperloop is looking into creating trains that go just as fast as planes. They will test their fastest trains in 2017 and they ideally will be moving cargo in them by 2020 and people by 2021. 2017 is the start of a bigger future.
15. New music
Many of our favorite artists are coming out with new albums such as Drake and The Chainsmokers. However, bands like The Red Hot Chili Peppers are making a reappearance on the stage for the first time since 2000. All of the fans are dying to get tickets to their concert!
16. New books
As always, more and more books are coming out from our favorite authors. But you never know, you might just fall in love with a new author this year.
17. New beginnings
Of all the things that are going to happen in 2017, no matter what, it will be a new beginning. At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide how your 2017 will go and how you will take advantage of all the things to come.