I starting wearing glasses in middle school (man I found those frames again and #regrets). But throughout my years of wearing contacts and glasses, I have experienced a plethora of annoyances that most people just wont understand. Here are some of the things we glasses wearers deal with daily.
1. When you put your glasses down and can't find them... or think you lose them only to find they were on your head the whole time.
2. Sunglasses are a struggle.
You either face the sun head on, fork out a couple hundred dollars for prescription sunglasses, or play the awkward balancing game with two frames:
3. You're blind in shower (shaving is impossible) and when you go to bed.
Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night is also a nightmare. Even if you do wear them in the shower, you eventually wont be able to see anything through the water droplets anyway.
4. When it rains:
5. When you cooking, drinking something warm, or walking outside into the humidity, your glasses will fog up.
6. Your glasses constantly slide down your nose.
Also, you have permanent nose pad marks on your face.
7. You have to clean your lenses all the time.
Even if you swear you haven't touched them, they are covered in finger prints! Also, wearing non-cotton clothing becomes an issue because your outfit is often you emergency lens cleaner.
8. Picking out new glasses is stressful.
9. Makeup: overdone or underdone, there is no in between.
The glasses either cover the makeup you tried to hard to perfect, or amplify the fact that you are not wearing any.
10. “You look so much better without your glasses!”
11. You have to think twice about activities like 3D movies, swimming, hiking, etc
12. When you forget that you’re wearing contacts and try to put on your glasses anyway... I done it several times.
Or when you're wearing contacts and go to push your glasses up... haha whoops!