17 Songs To Remember Our Independence | The Odyssey Online
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17 Songs To Remember Our Independence

Happy 240th Birthday, America. We love you.

17 Songs To Remember Our Independence

About 240 years ago, we declared our independence from England. That declaration brought on bloodshed, heartache but eventually freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS! I won't go on. This is about our Independence. This is about the men who died protecting it.

It's not about a cookout like the Memorial Day. It's about remembrance day, and to be as patriotic as you can be. We take this day back. We're not as free as we thought we were. So to help you remember, here are 17 songs that invoke a modicum of patriotism. They are in no particular order.

1. Johnny Cash, Song of the Patriot.

2. Johnny Cash, Ragged Old Flag

3. Lynyrd Skynyrd, That Ain't My America.

He's right. This is not the country that I grew up loving, especially not now. When did it become wrong to speak the truth? When did offending someone who want's to hurt our nation become "racist?" When did we burn the flag? When did we allow that? Why don't we just choke 'em out? Punch 'em out? When did we stomp on the flag and make it a campaign that hundreds of thousands of people followed? Well, as the veterans at nine line would say,

You leave my flag alone. My friends and family are those who defended it. So I'll ask you on their behalf, You ever been choked out?

4. Darryl Worley, Have You Forgotten?

This song is so true. When did we coexist with the same people that destroyed our towers on September 11? When did we sympathize with those who dropped Mortars on Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods? When did we forget and become pushovers to this? Is it because it doesn't affect you personally? It doesn't affect me personally, but I love this country enough that when something happens to it, I go after the people responsible, and support the boys who do it for me. My friends...who did it for me. Get over yourself and your political correctness. Did you already forget?

5. Lee Greenwood, God Bless The USA

"I'd thank my GOD above to be living here today. Cause our flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away....I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me. I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today." It's perfect.

6. Keith Urban, For You (Act of Valor)

Keith Urban made this song for the 2012 movie, "Act of Valor." If you have not seen it, then you don't understand the song. The movie is relentlessly patriotic, and shows the valor of many SEAL's. It's perfect. He writes it from the soldier's perspective. And look in his eyes. He is desperately trying to understand, as we all should. Watch the movie, watch the video and respect the men.

7. Bryan Adams, Never Let Go

This is not the official music video. But he wrote this song for the movie, "The Guardian." It's beautiful and surprisingly patriotic. He did grow up a military brat and he wrote this song with meaning. Give it a listen. Also, listen to the way he emphasizes LEGEND. Like really emphasizes it. The movie was released in 2007. Perhaps a little tribute...that's just my thoughts.

8. Five For Fighting, Note To The Unknown Soldier

Again, not the official video. I don't think there is one. But I love this. I've always liked the band, but it surprised me to hear them care about the soldier.

9. Five For Fighting, Freedom Never Cries

I find that this is a very honest song and it might get you to remember a little better what Independence day is about. The war is never truly over.

10. Toby Keith, Courtesy of the Red White and Blue!

I'm just gonna leave these next two for you to listen to yourselves. I couldn't have said it better myself.

11. Toby Keith, American Soldier

I have no words.

12. Jason Fougere, The Legend

Of course I needed this one in here. He's kind of the face of the military. He was willing to write his story...and his friends story because someone else would and not focus on what he wanted them too. Now it's our turn.

13. Bubba Sparxx, Mission 22 (What Say You)

I'll just leave this here.

14. Alan Jackson, Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning

I've grown up with this song. And so that is why it is so important for me to say what I say. Because I knew what happened. I was young, sure, but I knew. I was taught. This is what it means on Independence day. We remember that we were attacked that day. We remember all the lives lost. If we forget, everyone we've lost has truly died.

15. Lexi Walker, America The Beautiful

What a voice of an angel! Great job young lady!

16. Charlie Daniels, This Ain't No Rag, It's A Flag!

I just...I love this too much.

17. Randy Travis, America Will Always Stand

This is perfect closing song for this article. I hope I made you remember what it's really about. Celebrate your independence, and never ever forget who died protecting it. That's what we do as Americans. We are only free because someone else gave their life.

America will stand because of us, but we will have to fight for it. Isn't it time we give back to those?

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