You're two peas in a pod. The two amigos. People wonder if you're twins. You're always hanging out. Maybe you even fight like cats and dogs. But you know that you both understand the world a little better because you get to understand it from each other's point of view. No matter how you're relationship looks with your brother, there are a few signs that he's actually your person.
1. He's the person you text the most
Seriously. You text your friends a lot, but not as much as your brother. When you go to look at your texts, he's usually somewhere near the top of the list.
2. You have more inside stories than is healthy
You've know each other for your whole lives - through the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's only natural that some hilarious stories emerge. Of course by now, there's too many to count...
3. Your friends know him on a personal level
Most of your funny stories involve him, so your friends get to know him...without actually meeting him.
4. He knows when you're having a bad day
Again, he's seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. He's learned to notice the signs of when you're having a bad day. He also knows when it's best to ask about it or to steer clear for a while.
5. He knows how to cheer you up when no one else can
My brother is one of the goofiest and sweetest guys I know. When does he use it to his advantage? When I'm having the worst day imaginable.
6. You fight with him more than anyone else
You guys are closer than anyone else in your family. Sometimes the joking goes a little too far and someone gets angry. Sometimes, one of you is just worried to the max about the other and it comes out wrong. Fights happen. They're a part of life. What's important is talking about it later.
7. You're comfortable sitting silently in the same room
For my brother and I, usually he's playing a video game and I'm reading. You don't necessarily need to talk to hang out.
8. He calls at just the right time
Maybe you're away at college and he just randomly calls you. Maybe you just found out you totally bombed a test you thought you'd pass. Maybe you just broke up with your significant other. He randomly calls and instantly knows somethings wrong. Then of course does what he can to cheer you up.
9. He misses you just as much as you miss him
You've lost count of how many times he's asked "When are you coming home?" and "When are you leaving me?" During my freshman year, my brother once told me he was "Rachel-sick" because he missed me.
10. You're friends with his friends
And vice-versa. You hang out enough, it's only natural.
11. You have no problem making fun of each other
I got into an insult fight just the other day with my brother. We find new ways to poke fun at each other and have fun with it. Let's not forget the pranks...Usually harmless of course. Usually.
12. Shenanigans
You have no problem acting like complete idiots around each other. You don't always walk away unscathed either. I once sprained my knee because of shenanigans with my brother.
13. You have similar interests
Not only do you have similar interests, you're constantly trying to get the other interested in new things you find. For example, my brother and I randomly send each other songs or video game previews.
14. You stand up for each other
You can fun of your brother, but no one else can. Okay, maybe your other siblings can, but no one else. When your siblings go to far, there you are to stand up for him. You find out he's being bullied, those kids better hope you don't learn their identities. It's the same for your brother. You stand up for each other, no questions asked. You understand each other better than anyone, so you stand as mediator in your family. No questions asked.
15. You know each other's deep, dark secrets
There's a trust between you that won't be broken easily. You both know that the other won't share your secrets. Sometimes, on a bad day, one of you just needs to talk and you'll always have each other.
16. Your brother is your best friend
You literally talk about anything and everything. You have, again, been through everything with him and those trials in life have made you bond. You wouldn't trade your friendship for anything.
17. You can't imagine life without him
You two have been through thick and thin, through hardship and goofiness. You're both crazy and you couldn't imaging your family without your brother. He's always been there, even when your friends aren't. Even when you wonder why you're fighting or he beyond gets on your nerves, life would never be the same without your brother.