Sorority girls everywhere know the awesome feeling of finding out who your big/mom is. She's a sister in the house that becomes your mentor, your friend, your sister, and sometimes even your mom but you wouldn't trade for anything. So here are some sure signs your big has become your mother in the house.
1. She demands that you let her know when you get home.
Because she needs to know that you're okay and weren't hit by a crazy drunk driver.
2. She has an opinion about anyone you have any interest in.
3. And she is not afraid to tell everyone.
Including but not limited to nicknames spoken directly to said interest.
4. She could never really judge you.
Even though you are way too into Spaghettios and change your major every five minutes.
5. You could make every mistake possible and even get her a standards trial and she would still love you.
It's called unconditional love. Look it up.
6. She'll take care of you when you're any sort of sick.
Whether it's holding your hair, getting you a sober ride, feeding you Ibuprofen till the worst is over, or taking you to urgent care because she's not actually a medial professional she'll do it. To her you are more than the disgusting mess you might occasionally become.
7. She'll find you a place to sleep whenever you need it.
After all joining a house is also about finding a home away from home even if it's not technically your residence yet, right?
8. Her closet is actually your closet.
9. She will listen to every scrap of drama you want to talk about.
Especially the juicy stuff about the the guy she already gave a nickname to.
10. She is always up for late night lady dates.
Sometimes you just need some girl time without any serious conversation and lots of ice cream and/or cheese.
11. She will hide/keep things in her room for you.
Your roommates have big mouths or kleptomania? No problem, your Big will hold onto your precious goods for you.
12. She knows where stuff is.
I got lost so much when I first joined my house despite how very simple it is. She was always helpful in her own sassy way though.
13. She's into the Dad Bod.
Because I guess dad bods need love too.
14. She knows who to ask or talk to about stuff.
Half the house has a position and somehow she always knows who is what and can tell me who would know what I want to find out.
15. She believes in you.
My big shares all my articles. If that isn't support then I don't know what is.
16. When she adds a little to the fam she asks for you input and support.
Because this girl is going to be your sister and roommate so it totally matters if you love her or just like her.
17. She gets you stuff like a tiara or t-shirts.
This might be just my big and I but I'm willing to bet every pair get each other quirky gifts that are totally cherished between the two and if she hasn't given you at least one t-shirt but probably closer to 20, she's doing it wrong.
18. She is the bigger, wiser, prettier, version of you in all the best ways.
Your big is your best friend in the house. Your big is everything you kind of want to be. If not than she's already the exact same person as you which is pretty awesome. Never the less, having a big that is also like your mom is wonderful. I know that I have someone to count on at all times and that will be there regardless of any obstacles that come our way. Honestly, my big is more than just my best friend, she's my big sister and I wouldn't trade her for anyone in the world!