Let’s face it, being a morning a person makes you weird, especially in college. People wonder why you have so much energy in the mornings, and why at 11 p.m. you aren’t eager to watch a movie or go to that party everyone has been talking about all week. It’s okay though, the early bird gets the worm, right? Being a morning person has its perks. These are the signs that you are a morning person.
1. You don’t need an alarm clock to wake up before 7 a.m.
2. Once 9 p.m. hits, the yawns start and you feel like it's suddenly midnight.
Where did the night go? And where is the closest bed?
3. You never EVER have trouble falling asleep.
You can be wide awake one minute, dead asleep the next.
4. You nod off in the afternoons when you wake up a little too early.
And worse, as soon as you catch yourself falling asleep, you jolt awake and startle yourself. When trying to focus, this is a painful, endless cycle that becomes terribly frustrating.
5. You almost always fall asleep watching TV.
6. You eat your meals at a time that is considered "early".
Your internal clock is set a little earlier than those of most people.
7. You fall asleep in random places and in random positions.
The car, the shower, the floor. Nowhere is off limits.
8. You get the most work done in the morning.
A task that would take an hour to do at night could take you 30 minutes or less in the morning. You're all about efficiency.
9. You listen to lectures like this...
...on days when you went to bed a little too late.
10. You can wake up super early if you need to.
Gotta catch that flight? Want to wake up for the sunrise? You can wake up as early as 4am, ready to go, bright eyed and bushy tailed, no caffeine necessary. However, if you do this, once 9am or 10am rolls around you’ll be looking for some coffee.
11. If you plan on going out for a fun night, you need a nap first.
12. You bribe yourself with naps if it's past 10pm and you have a long night of work ahead of you.
13. And when you do take these late night naps, you need to set at least 3 alarms on the highest volume in order to actually be conscious in 30 minutes.
Don’t let your sleepy alter ego shut off the alarms on you.
14. You don't need coffee to wake up in the morning.
15. You only need coffee to stay up at night.
16. It's hard to make it to your bed when you come home late.
16. The few times you have pulled an all-nighter, for some reason once you hit 3am you feel rejuvenated.
It’s technically the morning so I guess that makes sense.
17. You were always the first to fall asleep at sleepovers as a kid.
This means that you were also the first to wake up, and therefore you were forced to lie awake for at least 30 minutes waiting for your friends to wake up.
Is it just me? Do these things happen to anyone else?! I’ve been a morning person my whole life, but it has been something very noticeable during my time in college.