If you grew up with a big family like I did, you understand all the shenanigans that went along with it. Having so many aunts, uncles, and cousins means there's always someone to talk to and that's the greatest thing. Dinner at grandma and grandpa's was always a party and family gatherings whether it was only half of the family or absolutely everyone was always a blast. And even though cousins may be older now, when everyone gets together it's as if nothing changed.
Here are some signs that you grew up with a big family:
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1. Family reunions are always crazy
Let's just say she everyone gets together there is never a dull moment.
2. The biggest argument you and your cousins had was who was going to play Mario Kart first
Maybe it was just us, but we got extremely competitive.
3. It was an honor once you were allowed to sit at the adult table
Once you reached adulthood, you were offered a spot at the most prestigious table at a family party, the adult table.
4. Although you secretly wished you were sitting back at the kid table
Because in reality you missed sitting with the little cousins.
5. Hugging. So much hugging.
Saying hello, you got a hug. Saying goodbye, hug. Leaving the room, hug.
6. Even if you hadn't seen your cousins in a year you picked up right where you left off
7. People mistake you and your cousins for siblings when you go out
This has happened on more than one occasion.
8. Sleeping over grandma and grandpa's house was always the best
9. Especially because grandma always fed you so much food
So much food.
10. The holidays are always a blast because you finally get to see everyone
Especially when you have family from all over when everyone finally gets together it's super exciting.
11. Yankee swap is chaos
I don't think my family has ever had a calm yankee swap at Christmas.
12. There're always tears shed, usually by the youngest of the group.
13. Even though you and your cousins tried to prank the adults they were always on to you
We used to think we were so clever spying on them when in reality they knew what we were doing the entire time.
14. You have that one relative who is always the comic relief for the rest of the family.
We all know who that person is.
15. You consider your cousins some of your best friends
My cousins are friends and family rolled up into one.
16. You have at least three people who have the same name
We have three Al's in the family.