1. You probably either ended up going to a state school or CCP, but at the states schools everyone says they’re from Philly and when you ask what part, they say: "right outside of Philly or Delco or Montgomery County." Please stop! And people from South Philly or North Philly say Northeast Philly isn't Philly to reiterate, PLEASE STOP!
2. You are critiqued on every single word you say when you aren’t in Philly. Towel is tail, bagel is begel, water is wooder, and crayon is crown. GET OVER IT!
3. Also no one really understands any of the slang terms. “What even is a jawn?”
5. You go down the shore not to the beach. And the shore usually means Wildwood, NJ. And in freshmen year of high school you stood outside of Sam's Pizza praying the cops didn't ask what was in your water bottle.
6. In your first semester of college you suffered a severe PSSD (post senior summer depression) and probably still suffer from it.
7. You owned a Father Judge hoodie, whether you went there or not.
8. When you put your hair in a ponytail, you pull little pieces of hair out from behind your ear to the sides of your face to assure people you aren’t bald. Example:
9. Apparently having a keg in the woods isn’t as normal as you think.
10. And your parents always knew when you were at said keg because when you came home your clothes reeked of bonfire smoke.
11. Not everyone knows what cheezwhiz is, or scrapple...
12. When you meet people who root for the Giants, the Yankees, the Dallas Cowboys, you kind of just feel sorry for them.
13. You probably have a million cousins who aren’t your real cousins, but your families are so close that you still consider them as cousins.
14. No one understands when you ask them if they ate because you just say: Jeet?!
15. You know all the words to Dreams and Nightmares by Meek Mill.
16. A Turkey Bowl at Judge or Ryan is a must, and it is 100% normal to come back after you've graduated high school.
17. You secretly don’t want to move anywhere else, therefore you plan to raise all of your children in Northeast Philly.