Ah, the New Year. The time for change and fresh starts. Here's a list of 17 things to remember throughout 2017 to help get the most out of life:
1. Kindness.
Being kind should be so easy, but it’s not. Being kind not only makes others happy, it makes you happy. Do it more often, you’ll see what I mean.
2. Vocabulary.
Completely change your vocabulary. Learn new words, forget old ones. Use words that are encouraging, uplifting, and positive. Eliminate words that are negative or are used to bring others down. The vocabulary you use says a lot about who you are as a person.
3. Read.
Stop wasting your time on Facebook and pick up an actual book. Gain knowledge from it. Better yourself.
4. Write.
Not only is writing a great way to relive stress, it’s helps to look back and see how far you’ve come. You have evidence of yourself changing and it’s a beautiful reminder of everything that's made you who you are.
5. Love something.
I don’t care what it is. Find something you love. Find a hobby, or a book club. Start running again. Find something that takes your mind off of other responsibilities, if only for a little while.
6. Spoil yourself.
7. Save money, budget.
Make a budget and stick to it. Save for something big. Save for a vacation, for a new wardrobe. Save for a new car, or a down payment on the house you’ve been dreaming of. You can have it, you just have to work for it.
8. Be happy.
Don’t let the small things get you down. Yeah, we all have off days. Don’t let things get to you. Be positive and be uplifting towards others. Find things that make you happy. Find people that do the same. What’s the point going through life unhappy? Choose happiness, over literally everything else. Just be happy.
9. Learn the power of prayer.
It is so comforting to have someone to talk to. Are you confused? Scared? Unhappy? Praying helps you sort things out. It strengthens your relationship with God. It's necessary.
10. Listen to your body.
Sometimes you just need to take a step back. What does your body want? Treat it right, give it what it needs. There’s so many people that would give anything to have a healthy body. Take care of it.
11. Get outside.
The world is beautiful. You won't get to see all of it, but at least know your backyard.
12. Stop waiting.
Don’t wait for tomorrow. You have cleaning to do? Get it done, you’ll be happy it's out of the way. You have homework? Do it while you have time, there will be more time to relax later. You want to ask someone for their number? Don’t hope you’ll see them again, you probably won’t. Take the risk. Hit the gym. Ask for the promotion. Be bold and never say "sorry" for what you want.
13. Don’t rely on technology.
Learn to do things by yourself. Stop pulling out your phone to make you seem less alone. Technology is great, but actual human interaction is better. Learn the importance of a meaningful conversation.
14. Eat well.
Of course, eat your fruits and your veggies. Make responsible choices. But when you want to eat that cupcake, do it without regret. We’re all human, and life is hard sometimes. You deserve it.
15. Cry.
It’s normal to cry. Be upset. Take your time. When you’re finished, dust yourself off and learn from it.
16. Find adventures.
You can find an adventure in anything. Go for a walk. Hike up a mountain. Explore a new store. Be open to new things.
17. Resilience.
Always, always bounce back. You’re going to get low, it’s inevitable. Learn from it and come back stronger than ever.
Most important, don’t ever let anyone take away your happiness. It’s all yours. You define it, you create it, you live it. 2017 can be your year, you just have to make it that way.