If you're like me, you've been waiting for a good "girl power" movie. I'm talking the kind where the girl doesn't need to be saved by the boy, where the girl even saves the boy once or twice, where the lady-led cast is hilarious and natural, where there is body positivity instead of fat jokes, and the ladies excel of their own accord without having to put anyone else down.
Check it. I'm about to give you seventeen good reasons why the new Ghostbusters movie is the movie we've been praying for all along.
1. There are four beautiful, badass women. In jumpsuits.

2. Melissa McCarthy is hilarious as always.
3. Kate McKinnon brings it. Hard.
4. This movie is empowering girls everywhere.

5. Leslie Jones is powerful and proud.

6. Did I mention Holtzmann?

7. Beautiful women being naturally beautiful.

8. We're talking jiggling, unflattering angles, funny faces.

9. I mean, Kristen Wiig has a scene
where she is visibly sweating. A
woman behind me in the theater actually gasped.
10. These women are not here solely to appeal to the male gaze.

11. Seriously, though, Jillian.

12. Women in science.

13. Chris Hemsworth is an adorably clueless wall of meat, if you're into that.
14. This.
15. And this.
16. THIS.
17. Just go watch it, already.
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