17 Reasons Why Wayne County, Ohio Is The Best | The Odyssey Online
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17 Reasons Why Wayne County, Ohio Is The Best

If you haven't visited Wayne County, Ohio yet, you should

17 Reasons Why Wayne County, Ohio Is The Best

There is nothing better than beautiful Wayne County, Ohio. Whether you live here or visit, you'll continue to find several reasons to love it. Just in case you haven't found a reason just yet, here's a list of some reasons as to why Wayne County is the absolute best:

1. Coccia House

If you ever want some bomb pizza, this is the place to go! Some people don't exactly care for it, but my family absolutely loves it. Guess what? If you like it so much but you're out of state, Coccia House will ship it to you! Give them a call, send in an order, and delve into their cheesy, homemade pizzas! Plus, they have so much more than just pizza.

2. Rolling Hills

Nothing beats looking across the countryside and seeing hill after hill beautifully overlap in the distance. Wayne County has the most beautiful scenery, and anyone who lives here can verify this.

3. The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute

If you're looking for somewhere to go to college with low tuition, small class sizes, individual attention, and a specialization in agriculture, here's the best option I can recommend to you! ATI is the best 2-year degree college. The faculty, staff, and students are the best, especially the RA's.

4. Sunsets and Sunrises

I asked my Facebook friends why they liked living in Wayne County so much and this was one of the most frequent answers I received. The sunsets and sunrises in Wayne County just don't compare to the ones in neighboring counties. We simply have the best because Wayne County is the best.

5. Fishing Spots

There are so many great places to fish in Wayne County both public and private. Grab your fishing pole, a bobber, and some nightcrawlers, put some music on, grab a couple friends and enjoy fishing. You'll soon be catching those big basses, yellow perch, catfish, bluegill, and others, and then you can have yourself a fish fry.

6. Wayne County Speedway

I personally have never been to the Wayne County Speedway in Orrville, Ohio, except for the truck and tractor pulls, but from what I've heard it's a great gathering place for those who enjoy the same hobby: 410 sprints and other dirt track specialties. Check out their schedule and get to the track, and you'll find out why everyone loves going to the Speedway.

7. Lerch's Donuts

Oh boy, your cash will jump out of your pockets and into the hands of Lerch's Donuts willingly, and you won't for a second regret your purchase. Sold almost year round at certain places in Wayne County, you'll find the best tasting, mouth-watering donuts around. Powered sugar, chocolate, pumpkin, cinnamon and sugar, and, my favorite, blueberry are all delicious flavors that they sell. There's nothing better than waking up early at the Wayne County Fair, washing cattle at four in the morning and hitting the Lerch's Donuts stand for a large hot chocolate and a couple donuts.

8. Dairy farms

Wayne County is widely known for their outstanding dairy numbers and how well we take care of the environment and farms. Pretty much any way you turn your head, you can see a dairy farm. These farmers are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Make sure that you thank them because they are a big part of Wayne County. I am very grateful for all of our farmers.

9. Livestock farms

Dairy farming is important, but so are our other livestock producers. Someone has to raise chickens, hogs, beef cattle, lambs, goats, and even bison for us Wayne County folks. So hats off to you, too, livestock farmers. Keep doing the good work. We appreciate it!

10. We simply have the best people

When you enter Wayne County, be prepared for the overwhelming amount of manners and respect we have for visitors, newcomers, or even the ones who have lived in Wayne County their entire lives. "Ma'am" and "Sir" are used frequently followed by either a "thank you" or "you're welcome." We also lend a helping hand to those in need or to the farmer whose cows got out next door without asking for anything in return.

11. Wayne County is home

I've always lived in Wayne County, and I never want to leave. I have made my best memories here. My life began here. I bought my first livestock here. The memories that come along with Wayne County are greater than I ever expected or dreamed.

12. Sometimes the best part of Wayne County is actually leaving it

When I first saw this response on my Facebook post, I was shocked. It took me a second to realize that this wasn't a bad thing though. Wayne County is great, but sometimes the place we call home doesn't offer everything you could imagine. FFA conventions, livestock shows, 4-H Conferences, camps, and mission trips are all some things not necessarily offered in Wayne County. Teachings and valuable life lessons learned while away from Ohio only enhance Wayne County when you return.

13. Dalton Dari-ette

If you're looking for good prices, delicious food, and creamy ice cream flurries, this is the place to go! It's a small ice cream shoppe that offers burgers, sandwiches and, of course, ice cream. Anytime I'm in the Dalton area, I can't stop myself from pulling into Dalton Dari-ette.

14. Friday night football rivalries

Being a Northwestern alumni, I have always watched the team play at home against their biggest rivalry team, Norwayne. Not to be against any other team, or my own, but Norwayne has been in the running for a state championship for a couple years, and even won in 2011, a first for Wayne County. So, we have the best football teams too.

15. Secrest Arboretum

If you need a place to walk, study for finals, or clear your mind, head over to the Secrest Arboretum behind OARDC. Here, you can slide down the long slide, look at fish and frogs in the frog pond, play leap frogs on statues of frogs, and enjoy spending your day experiencing the beautiful nature of Wayne County.

16. Guerne Heights

This is one of ATI's hotspots for quick and delicious food. Breakfast from here before a long 3-hour forage lab is delicious. I always get the breakfast that consists of eggs, homefries, and sausage gravy with some orange juice on the side. After a long day of classes, their milkshakes are a treat. If you're ever in Wayne County, make sure you stop by and grab some sort of ice cream dish and treat yourself to heaven in a bowl or cup. You won't regret it.

17. The Wayne County Fair

I'll probably catch some wrath for putting the greatest thing about Wayne County last, but I put it here for a reason. The Wayne County Fair happens the Saturday after Labor Day and features three concerts, livestock shows, tractor pulls, the coronation of fair queen and king, a kiddie tractor pull for Wayne County residents only, and so much more. Also, we serve the best food including Lerch's Donuts, Mr. K's Fries, the ice cream barn, the milkshake stand in front of the coliseum, and of course Joe's.

There are several reasons to love Wayne County and we invite you to check each and every one of them out! Spend a few days in Wayne County and I promise you will come to like or even love one of these things, or another that wasn't mentioned on this list.

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