If you know any one thing about me, it's that I am head over heels in love with otters; like, I've honestly cried from watching too many cute otter videos. They're possibly the most adorable creatures ever to grace our planet, and I don't understand why everyone else hasn't jumped on the cute train to Otterville. So if for some unholy reason you aren't convinced that otters are the most perfect creatures to grace this earth, or if you just love otters, here's a list of things to consider.
1. Let’s start where all cute things start, with babies.
10/10 would snuggle
2. Look at this group of otters chasing after a butterfly and tell me you aren’t in love.
This is only #2; we've got so much more to go. You're welcome.
3. Also get this, a group of otters is called a romp.
If that isn’t the most adorable thing you’ve ever heard, then you've gotta be otter your mind.
4. Take everything we’ve learned from #1 and #3 and you get this image of what I’m assuming is heaven itself.
Look at that romp of baby otters snuggling against that woman. THAT SHOULD BE ME!
5. Otters are great musicians...
That otter is the next Billy Joel; he's just moonlighting as a server until he hits it big.
6. ...And fantastic dancers too
Seriously, they've got some moves.
They can twerk better than most people I know, to be honest.
Werk it.
7. They’re also kind of hardcore.
Giant Otters (seen above) have a bite force of 414.6 newtons. That’s almost on par with a wolf. I wouldn't mess with one if I were you.
8. They loooove playing with rocks.
Like, a lot...
When they aren't being used to bash clams open, they make great toys!
9. They also love to eat and will make great dinner guests.
You know the question people ask: "If you could have dinner with anyone ever, who would it be?" I'd pick otters every time.
10. They’re athletic.
Lebron James, move over.
11. They love snuggles.
Who doesn't tbh?
Gotta make sure they don't lose their significant otter.
13. They have great parenting skills.
14. They can have fun in any kind of weather.
That otter is basically swimming in the snow and having a blast. I'd have faceplanted and cried because I was cold two minutes after going outside.
15. They love to play!
*Cue Adele* Hello from the Otter Slide!