17 Reasons Why Mount Holyoke Is The Best
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17 Reasons Why Mount Holyoke Is The Best

And Why You Should Come!

17 Reasons Why Mount Holyoke Is The Best

Here are just 17 of the million things that make Mount Holyoke College a great place to undertake a world-class education, with a very close-knit community unified by very cool traditions.

1. The Professors

Professors make a college. As an institute dedicated to a world-class education for its students, Mount Holyoke makes sure to hire the best faculty. Many have won Guggenheim fellowships, have PhDs from Ivy Leagues, win prizes in their fields, and gain recognition for their research and work. Professor Darby Dyar works with NASA and has about $ 4.1 million in prestigious research grants. Others have won Pulitzers, and written books. However, the best thing about our professors is their great humility, accessibility, and ability to inspire. In Princeton Review's 2016 rankings, Mount Holyoke ranks 14th in the nation for Professors Get High Marks. Mount Holyoke is also the college with most professors on their earlier list of 300 Best Professors.

2. The Community

Even if you do end up with one of the few less than good professors, worry not: your friends have your back. Mount Holyoke has a very close-knit, very supportive community. Last fall, I was stuck in a class that left me feeling hopeless and lost on countless occasions, and on each of these, I was saved by two friends. I was astonished at how they spent significant time and energy to make sure I did well. Everyone cares for each other, and it is wonderful to be part of such a community.

3. Cool Traditions

Speaking of community, the people of Mount Holyoke are unified by very cool traditions, some of which date back to more than a century ago. The absolute campus favorite is probably “Mountain Day.” It’s held on a secret date every fall, when classes are cancelled, and everyone hikes to the top of Mount Holyoke, and eats ice-cream, takes pictures, and has fun.

Then there are other exciting traditions. On the first night of New Student Orientation, all first-years unite and convene in Gettell Ampitheatre to watch Dirty Dancing. “Elfing” is another very sweet tradition, in which a sophomore secretly leaves presents at a new students’ dorm door. On the sassy side, Dis-orientation, as the name suggests, is a night when seniors and freshman together march to the president’s house, chanting, and singing the “Anti-Alma Mater.”

There are many more traditions, like Pangy Day, M&Cs, Big/Little, etc.and these bring us together.

4. Milk and Cookies

I know I made a point about traditions, but M&Cs are awesome enough to be mentioned separately. Milk and Cookies is an old tradition, in which, every week night, milk, and vegan options, along with delicious cookies are brought in common areas of all dorms on campus.

We could not be more pampered. It’s a sweet tradition that makes the college feel like home, and gives a chance to convene with the community. M&Cs are served at 9 pm, to remind us to relax, and either wind down before bed, or get recharged for a late-night cram session.

5. The Campus Security

Another thing that makes Mount Holyoke feel like home is the assurance of safety all around campus. It is located in a secluded small town with a low crime rate. Moreover, the college is home to students who are serious about the honor code. We leave valuables and cash in our bags outside dining halls. We leave our things on library desks to take a small trip for food to Blanch. If you lose something, you almost always find it. There are some instances of lost umbrellas or water bottles, but most times, even things lost for weeks turn up from unexpected places, because no one wants to steal from valued members of the community.

6. The Dedication to Women

Mount Holyoke, with a revised admission policy that basically means all people but cisgender men are welcome to apply, is still known for its dedication to the empowerment of women, by providing a space for them to be who they want to be. It is freeing, and empowering to discover yourself in a traditionally women’s college. For people of all genders, there are no restrictions of traditional gender roles, no daily misogynistic micro-aggressions to deal with, no men interrupting others, or dominating spaces. In such an environment, people discover their true capabilities and true selves, as societal pressures are removed.

7. The Five College Consortium

The quiet campus life can never be stifling thanks to the five college consortium that Mount Holyoke is part of. Amherst, Smith, UMass Amherst, and Hampshire, are all unique in their own ways. With free buses running between these colleges everyday, Mount Holyoke students can join clubs, take classes, and attend events and parties at any of these colleges. Attending Mount Holyoke hence opens a world of opportunities, as classes and events from not one, but five different institutions are available to you.

8. The Liberal Arts Courses

The classes offered at Mount Holyoke cover a broad range of subjects and topics, to provide a well-rounded education to its students. It is common to see a Computer Science major take history and political science courses, an English major studying Astronomy, and Economics majors learning acting. This is the reason we have students with double major combinations like Biology and Film Studies, Computer Science and Music, or Neuroscience and Art. The environment encourages everyone to learn for the sake of learning, and pursue their own unique interests.

9. The Diversity

25% of Mount Holyoke students come from countries all around the globe. There are students from China, Pakistan, India, South Korea, Syria, Doha and many other countries. The astounding diversity leads to enriching discussions in and out of class, because everyone has a unique perspective. Mount Holyoke students become globally aware, and learn important lessons about dealing with diversity.

10. There Is a Niche for Everyone

Everyone at Mount Holyoke is unique, but finds their oddly specific niche in the community. The knitting club convenes and sips tea as they knit, crotchet, and talk. There are even clubs that play board games, fan-girl over math and play video games. The Outing Club goes hiking and does other cool activities in the area surrounding the college. Then there is also rowing, swimming, and even horse-riding at the college. Everyone is friendly, and it is easy to have a group of like-minded friends to hang out with.

11. Liberal, Politically Aware Students

It is not uncommon to frequently overhear political discussions every day at Mount Holyoke. Almost everyone in the college is a bleeding-heart liberal. Mount Holyoke students care deeply about feminism, access to affordable healthcare, and the rights of minorities, immigrants and African-Americans. The college was ranked 18th in the United States in their list of the “25 best US colleges for students who want to change the world.”

The best thing about such an environment is that people from all cultures, countries, and identities feel safe, and cared for. The 2016 election result raised serious apprehensions for many, but the air of bleak, silent mourning on campus, was proof that everyone was affected, and we were in it together.

12. Support is Everywhere

The college makes sure there are systems in place to help students flourish. The Dean of Students listens to complaints and takes action against any discriminatory behavior. There is also a class dean for new students to help them settle into college life, and holds drop-in hours to help students with anything that bothers them. Moreover, as an international student, I was paired with an alum from Maine, who regularly sends me gift cards for coffee, and even care packages, with candy. She welcomes me to send emails whenever I have a question, and routinely checks in with me to see how I am doing.

13. Lynk funding

Mount Holyoke guarantees that every student with an approved internship will get funding for it, at least once in their college career. It is a valuable, cherished resource that students are very grateful for. It opens opportunities and removes financial strain for many.

14. The Campus is Beautiful

Consistently part of most beautiful college rankings, Mount Holyoke is certainly breathtaking. There are two lakes on campus, trees, spacious greens, flowers, and impressive buildings. The fall foliage, the lake glistening in summer, colorful, fragrant flowers in spring, and snow in winter keep the surroundings from getting monotonous. Dorm common rooms, many dorms themselves, the library, and classrooms are no less impressive.The beauty is a constant refresher for the soul, and a source of relaxation.

15. Religious and Spiritual Life

Mount Holyoke has a unique, and serious dedication to the spiritual well-being of students. Eliot House is the cozy building that is the center of religious and spiritual life on campus. It is small, homey, and includes spaces for people of different religions to practice, including a Muslim prayer room, and Wa Shin An garden for meditation. We have chaplains for many different faiths as well, who are great people to get to know. They are inspiring and impressive, but some of the friendliest people I have ever encountered. Eliot House is where Jumma Lunch for Muslims takes place, a tradition that Muslims cherish as their weekly socializing and detox ritual. I frequently went to Eliot after my afternoon classes, asking their cook John if he had some food he could give me. There is also a kettle and many different types of tea for any visitor to use. Anyone is welcome at Eliot, and it contains a beautiful community.

16. The Best Guest Speakers Keep Us inspired

Mount Holyoke constantly has events going on to invite guest speakers who inspire students. Roxane Gay, Sophia Renee Taylor, Khadija Asghar, Marc Lamont Hill, Dolores Huerta and Elizabeth Warren are the highlights of the last academic year. Even Margaret Atwood has graced us with her presence. Talks on topics like feminism, radical body positivity, political activism and poetry recitations are enthralling, inspiring experiences.They keep us in touch with our core values beyond the academic grind.

17. The Alumni

Strong, independent, and successful feminists have formed their identities and learned their life lessons from Mount Holyoke. 1902 graduate Frances Perkins was the first woman on the United States Cabinet. Elaine Chao is the first Asian-American to be appointed in the United States Cabinet. The "Apgar Score" that test’s a newborn’s condition was created by Virginia Apgar’29. Pulitzer prize winner Suzan-Lori Parks graduated from Mount Holyoke as well. Alumni go to graduate schools at Harvard, Yale, and Columbia, and work for companies like Google. They are CEOs, activists, professors, lawyers and judges. The alumni network is hence a great resource for students and fresh graduates, as impressive, accomplished people are available for help and guidance.

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