Happy Easter, Steubenville! Lent is over, we’re all fat on jelly beans and chocolate bunnies, and seemingly overnight, giant eggs popped up all over downtown. Steubenville is already home to the largest collection of lifesize nutcrackers in the world, why not add enormous eggs to the mix?
According to Christian tradition, meat, dairy, and eggs were prohibited during the Lenten fast. Since it’s not an easy task to convince chickens to observe Lent and cease egg-laying for forty days, the eggs were often hard-boiled in order to preserve them. By the time Easter arrived, there would be quite a stockpile of eggs that needed to be used in short order, so eating eggs developed into an Easter tradition. Because of this, some Christians symbolically link the cracking open of eggs with the empty tomb of Christ. Along with the eating of eggs, many Easter egg games developed as part of the spring celebrations: egg tapping, egg rolling, Pace egg plays, egg dances, and of course, egg hunts.
In the spirit of these traditions, the wood shop at Nelson’s made seventeen eggs and together with the Steubenville Revitalization Group, launched a large-scale Easter egg hunt. The Great Steubenville Eggsibition was unveiled as a surprise gift to the Steubenville community on Easter Sunday, April 16, and will remain on display until Mother's Day, May 14. The eggs were designed and meticulously painted by more than 20 different local artists, with inspirations taken from famous art pieces, Eastern European pysanka patterns, and local landmarks. Take some time to visit local businesses and check out these beautiful works of art! Share your selfies with the #SteubieArtEggs here or on Instagram @SteubieArtEggs!
Egglectic CollaborEggtion Painted and sponsored by the Steubenville Art Association - Located at the Historic Fort Steuben #EgglecticCollaborEggtion
Sapphire Reflection Painted by Kateri Schmiesing - Sponsored by and located at Tri-State Financial Services #SapphireReflection
Magyar Memories ÂPainted by The DeLaratta Family – Sponsored by Thom Way - Located at Two Brothers Dry Cleaners #MagyarMemories
Spokój Painted by Michael Manocchia – Sponsored by First National Bank - Located at Froehlich’s Classic Corner #Spokoj
Eggsquisite Painted by Marianna Schmiesing – Sponsored by Franciscan University of Steubenville - Located at Bookmarx Bookstore #Eggsquisite
Sugar Bunnies Painted by Alysia Basluke – Sponsored by Legal Hair - Located at Ed McCauslen’s Florist, Inc. #SugarBunnies
The Jelly Bean Prayer Painted by Anna Chaney – Sponsored by Nelson’s - Located at The Steubenville Popcorn Company #TheJellyBeanPrayer
Hope of Eternity Painted by the Nelson Sisters – Sponsored by and located at Drosselmeyer’s Nutcracker Shoppe #HopeOfEternity
The TARDIS Painted by Jim Chaney – Sponsored by Councilwoman-at-Large Kimberly Hahn & Jerry Barilla for Mayor - Located at Mike’s Sweeper Center #theTARDIS
Because I Could Painted by Christina Cerrato – Sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. W. Hunter Vaughan - Located at PNC Bank (Downtown Steubenville) #BecauseICould
Happy Easter, Bridget Riley Painted by Gerald Van Scyoc – Sponsored by Barium & Chemicals, Inc. - Located at Huntington Bank (Downtown Steubenville) #HappyEasterBridgetRiley
A Legacy of Faith Painted by Lana Deyoe – Sponsored by and located at the Antique Warehouse #LegacyOfFaith
Rorschach Rabbit Oreo Painted by Augustine Sirilla – Sponsored by Eastern Gateway Community College - Located at the Grand Theater for Performing Arts #RorschachRabbitOreo
An Eggcellent Canvas Painted by Christine Venditti – Sponsored by and located at the Downtown Bakery #AnEggcellentCanvas
Belleview Spring Fantasia Painted by the Sirilla Family – Sponsored by Attorney Francesca Carinci - Located at Public Library of Steubenville & Jefferson County #BelleviewSpringFantasia
Ciche Noce Spokoine Gwiazdy Painted by Brodie Stutzman – Sponsored by and located at Nelson’s #CicheNoceSpokoineGwiazdy