There are a number of amount of phrases we hear daily or pretty close to daily that we all hate to hear. However, hearing them are supposed to send us in the right direction or calm our worries- except naturally they make everything worse! Here are a few, enjoy!
1. The infamous "No offense, but..."
This is literally like saying "Look, I'm going to say something either mean, rude, or something you won't agree with but I don't care."
2. "Like how someone say like as much as they breathe like in every sentence.
Please just like, stop talking.
3. "I literally cannot."
Yes, you can Susan. Just go and confront your issues.
4. "Respect your elders."
I mean, if theres some old dude treating me like an ass, then he will get the same. Respect is earned not automatically given because of the number of years you've managed to stay alive on planet earth.
5. "Must be nice."
Yes, yes it is. Stop trying to make me feel guilty for something I worked hard for and earned.
6. "Give 110%."
This would be an appropriate time to say "I literally cannot."
7. "I feel you."
Please don't touch me, and please don't say this. Everyone experiences things differently.
8. "Win-win situation."
More like, I didn't have the spine to tell you no and you just assumed I would enjoy my have out the outcome when we both know it benefits you.
9. "I'd rather die."
Uh, shall I call someone???
10. "I personally..."
Patricia, stop. No one cares.
11. "I literally died from laughing."
Refer to #3.
12. "Everything happens for a reason."
You just remember that when I punch you in the sternum.
13. "It was all part of God's plan."
So...god wanted to kill 6 million jews in the Holocaust?
14. "With all due respect."
Also refer to #1.
15. "Just sayin'."
And I'm just sayin', please get away from me.
16. "Y.O.L.O.."
S.T.O.P. aka "Shut Thy Open Pie-hole."
17. "I am NOT a happy camper."
Well, I'm not a baby rhino. I'm not French. What's your point? Cry me a river.