2017 was a year filled with countless upsets and more devastating tragedies than anyone was prepared for. As a way for me to heal and focus on the year ahead, I have compiled a list of 17 moments, things, and people that brought me immeasurable joy in 2017. This list is in no way exhaustive, for, in all honesty, I could compile a list 2017 items long.
1. New Year's Eve
Although every couple that attended my NYE party has now split up (for the better), that night was so magical and so filled with love.
2. Gamma Phi Beta
It feels like I've been a part of this wonderful organization forever, but in reality, it was a new venture in 2017. I've gained so many new friends that have been there for everything over the past year and will be there for many, many more.
3. Becoming Editor in Chief of Odyssey at Ohio State (shoutout Emi Gutgold coming into my life)
I truly danced around the room for 5 minutes after accepting the position. Odyssey has been a massive part of my 2017. After countless late nights, about 200 onboarding phone calls, WAY TOO MUCH MISSING PUNCTUATION (I'm looking at you Odyssey at OSU), discussing everything from sororities to spray tans to family drama with Emi, countless EIC group calls, over $100 in team snacks, creating a perfecting an editing team that is more like a family, and so much more, I cannot imagine my 2017 without Odyssey.
4. Sabrina (my "Big")
It's hard to believe that I haven't grown up with her as my big sister. From brunches, to date parties, to Scott dinners, 2017 wouldn't have been complete without her.
5. Chance the Rapper at Blossom
6. Life with Mollie
There are 2017 things I could say about this. Sharing a square dorm room has made us incredibly close during the second half of the year. When you live and work with someone, the memories and jokes are endless. Limited to but not including, multiple evening festivities, football watch parties in the lobby, 1-5am shifts, playing in the snow at 1:42 am, spontaneous trips to Target, and, of course, our standing dinner and movie roomie dates every Wednesday night.
7. My job as an Office Assitant
Coworkers or fam? Can't tell.
8. My trip to Washington (aka Izzie)
When your best friend goes to school 2,000 miles away, reunions are a BIG deal. This year I was able to personally fund a trip to visit her for a long weekend in Tacoma. It was a big deal and a highlight of 2017.
9. My tattoo
No matter where life takes me, I have a little piece of home.
10. All of the nights out (or in)
lol. No explanation needed.
11. Semi-formal with Jordan
My boyfriend and I had recently broken up. When the pressure of bringing a romatic prospect got a little overwhelming (and my lack of planning didn't help), Jordan stepped up and was a perfect date. Ily babe.
12. "Kick it Old School" reunions
13. Wedding dress shopping with my sisters
My step- sister is getting married in September, and I am more excited than I can describe. Getting to go dress shopping and see her in her wedding dress was an incredible experience.
14. My friends' responses to my fifth-life crisis
I had a little bit of a breakdown when I left my teens behind. It's wild to think that I'm now in my 'twenties.' It's the beginning of a new era, and leaving the old one behind was a little scary. My phone was blowing up with messages from my closest friends and even people that I wasn't close to. They sent funny pictures, dog GIFs, personal stories, and notes of encouragement. The feelings of love were immeasurable.
15. My birthday
16. Giving my sister the gift she really wanted
This Christmas, I was able to get my sister a gift that I knew she would have never bought herself, but would also never ask for. The joy on her face as she tackled me is one I will never forget.
17. Honestly, all of it
2017 had some real ups and some real downs. I suffered immense heartbreak and disappointment; I felt fear, anger, and hopelessness. I felt lost in my love life and career, and I struggled with a general sense of purpose. However, when I step back and look at it all together, for every time I felt disappointed, there's a time I felt a sense of belonging. For every tear, there was a smile. I'm grateful for 2017, and I can't wait to see what 2018 has in store.