16 Life Lessons Pixar Taught Me
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16 Life Lessons Pixar Taught Me

"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

16 Life Lessons Pixar Taught Me

Pixar is known for creating box office hit after box office hit. The films receive critical acclaim and have been known to set records and win awards internationally. Pixar films have become almost like an indirect third parent for me. Each movie has brought a new set of friends into my life and has watched me grow up over the years. These animated films have taught me some important life lessons that I will hold close to me for the rest of my life. Here they are:

1. "Toy Story" (1995)

Friends come from odd places, but when you find the right people, they are forever. Pixar's very first film embodies the values of friendship. This movie taught me the importance of giving people chances, despite their differences. Woody and Buzz Lightyear could not be any more different. Woody, a vintage cowboy doll and natural born leader, clashes with Buzz, the space ranger action figure. Although they could not be any more different, Buzz and Woody prove that some people aren't going anywhere. Friends come and go, but we're lucky to find people who we know will stick around for infinity and beyond.

2. "A Bug's Life" (1998)

The smallest ideas can leave the biggest impact. Flick the ant, Pixar's smallest protagonist, is one of the most under-appreciated heroes. Flick takes it upon himself to fix the problem one of his inventions created. Long story short, Flick is underestimated by his fellow ants, but saves everyone and learns about how far a simple idea can take you.

3. "Toy Story 2" (1999)

The right path is always the hardest one. Woody is forced to choose between his home with Andy or life at a museum with his roundup gang to be adored by thousands of children. Making big life decisions is not always easy, but "Toy Story 2" showed us that sometimes we have to face the hardships of life to keep us moving forward.

4. "Monsters, Inc." (2001)

In the end, everything will be okay. This is probably one the biggest life lessons Pixar has ever taught me. Life will kick your butt on a daily basis. "Monsters, Inc." was surely a tearjerker that made all of us emotional the second Boo's door was shredded. No matter your age, this movie taught us all that everything happens for a reason.

5. "Finding Nemo" (2003)

When life gets hard, just keep swimming. If Finding Nemo taught us anything, it's that no matter what happens, we all have to "just keep swimming."

6. "The Incredibles" (2004)

Learn to love yourself because there are so many people who already love you. Pixar fans may miss this lesson from one of Pixar's most underrated movies. Mr. Incredible went from saving the world in secret to having his entire family by his side. This family of heroes taught me that self-acceptance is key to being, well, incredible.

7. "Cars" (2006)

Life is the best ride you will ever have, so enjoy it. Lucky for us, we get to watch as Lightning McQueen learn that same lesson. Being carefree, even for just a short moment in time, makes us happier people. We are in the driver's seat, so we get to choose whether we seize every minute. So go out and try everything you possibly can. We only get one life. Why not sit back, turn up the radio, and enjoy the view?

8. "Ratatouille" (2007)

You don't have to be something you are not to reach your goals. Linguini was not a chef and Remy was not a human. They both saw what they wanted from life and went out to achieve their goals. Someday I will and you will, too.

9. "WALL-E" (2008)

We are our own problem and our own solution. Who knows me better than me? "WALL-E" taught me to that I can solve anything on my own because I am the owner of my problems. Hopefully the world will not reach the same state that "WALL-E" knows, but that world showed me that if I want something to be fixed, I need to remember that I am in charge of my own life.

10. "Up" (2009)

Adventure is out there. This is a personal favorite of mine. We may not all be cut out to be a Wilderness Explorer on our way to Paradise Falls. That's okay because that's not what this is about. Adventuring can be tailored to fit your own definition. Don't forge to step into the world and chase after adventure no matter how big or small. Never stop seeking a new adventure.

11. "Toy Story 3" (2010)

Forgetting is the hardest part of growing up. After I finished crying after Andy left his toys behind to go to college, I realized how tough growing up actually is. This is probably one of the most powerful movies for any person. We all have to learn to move on and grow up in our lives. Leaving the young version of ourselves behind is a pain that we will never be able to understand, but that's growing up. It does get better. Andy's unselfish decision to leave his toys with Bonnie gave them a second chance to be happy.

12. "Cars 2" (2011)

You never know what you are capable of until you try. Most people forget about this Pixar film, however, it still taught us that we should give 100% all the time. Mater saved everyone by accidentally becoming a spy at a top secret agency. If he can do it, why can't you? Everything is worth a try and you'll never know just what you can achieve until you give it a shot.

13. "Brave" (2012)

Always choose bravery. None of us will truly experience what exactly Merida went through. We will be forced to face other things that scare the heck out of us. Being brave is complicated. Brave taught me that I can be brave if I want to be. Even when I am shaking with fear, nothing is impossible.

14. "Monsters University" (2013)

Success is not measured in trophies. Winning is not everything. Sometimes we don't know and we have time to figure all of that out. Being successful means that we find happiness in all that we do. Although Mike and Sully were "losers" in Monsters University's Annual Scare Games, they were successful in finding lifelong friends and a job they're both dedicated to. No trophy or medal could ever show just how important that is.

15. "Inside Out" (2015)

All feelings are valid. This movie was practically groundbreaking. Most people don't understand their feelings and this movie taught us that it's okay! You do not have to have a reason for being happy or sad. No person has the right to tell you how you feel or how you should feel. "Inside Out teaches" us that we are allowed to be emotional and that all of our feelings are valid.

16. "The Good Dinosaur" (2015)

Someone, somewhere cares about you. Pixar's newest film could easily be compared to Disney classics such as "Tarzan" or "The Jungle Book." "The Good Dinosaur" takes a different approach to being a lost soul. Separated from their families, Arlo and Spot are forced to rely on each other. Though it may be the most unlucky person, there is someone, somewhere who wants to see you succeed and all you need is one person to believe in you.

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