Much like how 2016 was the year of realizing things for Kylie Jenner, that was the age 17 for me. Seventeen was the year of the dancing queen, long car rides with friends blasting our favorite songs, the firsts of lasts, and the beginnings of new adventures.
I wanted to be 17 forever, but as a new 18-year-old, I can look back at that time with nothing but love as my brittle old adult bones begin to ache. Now that I’m a mature adult it’s time for me to drop some of my experienced knowledge. These are 17 things I learned at 17…
1. Time flies.
I always heard people claim that high school flies by but I never quite believed it until senior year. Senior year becomes a countdown the second you get there and even though it’s an exciting time it’s also incredibly daunting. It’s hard realizing that in only a few short months you’ll be separated from all the people you love, but that’s why it’s so important to cherish the time you have with them.
2. To time for yourself.
3. The honor of the aux cord.
Playing the role of DJ for any car ride is the most important role - next to the person actually driving the car of course. You have to always be ready to impress with your impeccable taste in music when the famed - “Can you play your music” question is directed at you. Music always sets the mood for whatever is happening.
4. Laughter is the best medicine.
There is no better feeling than laughing so hard your stomach begins to cramp and tears begin to well up in your eyes. The best days and nights are spent with the most embarrassing uncontrollable laughs that only some people are able to evoke from you. The louder the laughs, the happier the memories.
5. Take chances.
It’s important to take chances and do things you normally wouldn’t. Putting yourself out there is what helps you grow as a person. Or in other words, always remember YOLO.
6. Do things for the memories.
I am so thankful for every time one of my friends echoed, “but… we should do it for the mems.” The best stories come out of the weirdest scenarios. Even if it’s going to a carnival in cocktail dresses after leaving a sweet sixteen just to see if they have cotton candy - it’s worth it and you’ll be happy you did it later on.
7. Adventure is out there.
Any adventure, no matter how small, is an adventure. It’s important to go on these adventures with people that you love, create experiences and live your life. Even if it’s just driving 45 minutes out of the way to going to a diner you’ve never been to or deciding on a whim to go to Six Flags so you can ride roller coasters.
8. The library is a sacred place.
This has already easily translated over from 17 to 18. Although I’ve graduated on from my public library at home and I’m onto bigger and better things - study rooms in Walsh Family Library - the library is still one of my favorite places to be. The library isn’t just for studying it’s also for procrastinating in the best possible way the best possible people.
9. Your girl gane is everything.
I’m fully confident I have the best friends in the world and because of
10. Don't be afraid of the future.
I spent so much of 17 worrying about things I had no control over - I looked so far into the future that I was constantly freaking myself out. I finally learned there’s no point in worrying about things you can’t control.
11. Life doesn't always end up the way you expect it will.
On the topic of having no control - there are some parts of life that you have no way control. It’s to your advantage to worry less about these aspects of life and focus your time and energy on things you can control. (Bonus that everything usually works itself out)
12. Distance DOES make the heart grow fonder.
There’s no worse feeling than missing someone, the only positive is that things can only get better. It only gets easier and there’s so much to look forward to.
13. The subway is complicated... at first.
This lesson is quite literal - after years of texting my Dad for directions anytime I had to go anywhere after seventeen years I finally learned how to use public transportation. This might make me a late bloomer - but now with a metro card I’m unstoppable.
14. Grand Central Terminal is a great place to be, no matter why you're there.
Grand Central is an electric place and is the start of many fun trips. Not only do I love Grand Central but I want to live in Grand Central. Every aspect of it is exciting - the people, the rush, the banana pudding...
15. You get the vibes you put out into the world.
I've learned to always put positive vibes into the universe because I like to think that’s what you’ll receive in a perfect world. A positive attitude means positive outcomes. And if not - at least you’re making a positive impact on something.
16. Live in the moment.
I used to try to plan everything out and in the long run, it made things much more difficult than they had to be. In the past year I’ve gradually learned to relax and because of this, I’ve appreciated every minute more. It's also way more fun to just wander around and enjoy life instead of sticking to a plan.
17. I still have so much to learn.
This one is probably my parent’s favorite lesson. As a teenager, it’s so easy to think that I know everything but thank God there’s still so much out there for me to experience and I can’t wait. There's a whole city at my fingertips and a whole world beyond that and I can't wait to learn from.