17 Important Thing About New Jersey You Should Read
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17 Important Thing About New Jersey You Should Read

It's not the armpit of America. And it's not Joisey.

17 Important Thing About New Jersey You Should Read

Some common misconceptions that give "the armpit" a bad rep, and some other important places and things as well, that make New Jersey great, and the people who live their proud of it.

1. New Jersey is home to Pork Roll/ Taylor Ham.

There's still an on going (heated) debate about the name of the popular sandwich. But one thing we can all agree on is that it's one of the best sandwiches and is essentially a requirement for all people of New Jersey to eat and enjoy.

2. The Pizza is real pizza.

The pizza in this area of the country pretty much has no competition. New Jersey pizza is the best (tied with New York), with some of the freshest, thickest, cheesiest, mouthwatering delicious slices you'll ever eat in your entire life. It's a simple fact.

3. New Jerseyans aren’t actually like the people on Jersey Shore.

Gym Tan Laundry isn't a thing. We don't all hangout at Seaside and fist pump wherever we go (because there are better places, sorry). Also, people don't blowout their hair, act like lunatics on the boardwalk and in the club, at the age of 32.

4. New Jersey drivers get a bad rep.

It's all the out of staters that come in and mess up our system. We actually know how to drive.

5. New Jersey really isn’t all polluted and ugly.

I don't know how the horrible rumor of New Jersey being an ugly dump ever started. It's not called the Garden State for nothing. Clearly they've never seen the horse farms near Cream Ridge, or been to Sourland Mountain, or even the Great Falls of the Passaic River. (pictured above)

6. New Jersey has a history or producing some hit-makers.

New Jersey raises some pretty great artists. Frank Sinatra, the Shirelles, Whitney Houston, Queen Latifah, Jon BonJovi, the Jonas Brothers. But most importantly BRUCE.

7. Everyone gets to go to either Ellis Island, the Liberty Science Center, or some famous Museum for a field trip as a kid.

Almost everyone that was an elementary student in New Jersey went to these places. But to be honest, the Liberty Science Center was the coolest.

8. We really don’t pump our own gas.

New Jersey and Oregon are the only states where self-service gas stations are a state requirement. They just don't trust people to not blow themselves up if they pump their own gas.

9. The sales tax makes spending easier.

No sales tax on food, medicine, and clothes. That means more money for more pizza.


Avalon, Asbury Park, Long Beach Island, Atlantic City, Seaside, Cape May. With over 130 miles of beautiful beaches, with boardwalks, casinos, and piers, there's something for everyone to come here and enjoy.

11. The diners are crucial.

Just like the malls, diners are found everywhere in New Jersey. Open 24 hours and serving breakfast all day, they are the perfect place to get your favorite foods at literally anytime.


No matter what you hear, Central Jersey is a real place. It's not myth. It's not North or South Jersey. It is it's own happy place wedged between two extremely different divides.

13. There shopping malls are everywhere and everything.

Freehold Raceway, Monmouth, Willowbrook, and The Mills are just to name a few of the best shopping places around. There are a countless numbers of malls and shopping centers here. Usually there's one within 15 minutes from your home, making it that much harder not to spend hours upon hours in the three story buildings.

14. It is “New Jersey” not “Joisey”.

No. No one says that ever. If you find out someone is from New Jersey, don't ever say "Joisey" in front of them. Literally no one pronounces it like that. It's insulting and they'll probably give you an ear full why it's so wrong.

15. Sports teams are a big deal.

Jets vs. Giants vs. Eagles. Rangers vs. Devils vs. Flyers. Yankees vs. Mets vs. Phillies. There's a variety of different fans, all willing to aggressively defend which of their teams in better than the other.

16. New Jersey doesn’t suck cause we live in proximity to both New York and Philadelphia (cue Best of Both Worlds).

Reasonable driving distance to the concrete jungle or the city of brotherly love. We have it made.

17. Proud citizens.

No matter what, people in New Jersey are still proud of it and will defend its honor.

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