We're at the point in the semester where everything is really exhausting. Friendships are hard to keep up with, but we have to because we're about to leave everyone for months. School is hard to keep up with, but we have to or else we'll fail. Waking up is hard because, well, let's face it, it's always been hard. However, I have found that when life is at it's hardest and most taxing, we have to think big picture. Life isn't about the assignment due at midnight; it's about the love you can give. Life isn't about the lack of sleep you got last night; it's about the next adventure you'll go on with your friends. When life seems hard, think on what's most important in life. Here are 17 things to always, always remember:
1. Always return to God; not only on your worst days but on your best ones, too.
We have a tendency to think we only need God on bad days. However, going to Him when everything is going well is almost more important than going to Him when it's hard. Everything is going well because of Him; He deserves the praise and moments of adoration. Eventually, you'll realize that things are going well a lot more often than you thought.
2. Guard your heart, not too little and not too much.
Protect yourself. Proverbs 4:23: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." If you destroy your heart by placing hope and time in things that will not invest in you, you won't be able to properly love and encourage like we're supposed to. However, if you're a closed wall to everyone, you'll miss out on some really special connections and relationships. Be open, but be careful.
3. You won't always be right, but you don't always need to be.
Whether it be about our life plans or political views, college is probably the biggest time to be wrong. However, we learn. We should be thankful for people who show us new perspectives, new topics, and for different outcomes than what we planned. We won't always be right, but instead of being embarrassed or upset when we're not, we should thank those who bring us new viewpoints. You'll learn a whole lot.
4. Don't miss out on the present thinking about the future or the past.
You did bad on a test? Forget about it. You did something embarrassing in front of your crush? Who cares. You're stressed about finding a job? Find a later time to think about it. Be present wherever you are. Take advantage of the opportunities you have now. The past is done, so there's no point in thinking about it, and few thoughts about the future are worth missing out on the present.
5. Don't take for granted the fact that you may be the only positive thing in a person's day.
You have the opportunity to make someone's day by saying hi, smiling at them, or asking how they are. It may seem so small, but it could be the only positive thing in someone's day. Don't take advantage of the opportunity you have to put a smile on someone's face.
6. Relationships aren't 50/50; they're 100/100.
Whether it's platonic or not, a relationship shouldn't be about what you're receiving. A relationship should always be about giving everything you have. If you find yourself not wanting to give, make sure you're not taking advantage of what you're getting. Give fully and expect little in return.
7. Adventures are never a bad idea.
You may have a test tomorrow, and you may have an assignment due at midnight, but the stars and the trees and the lake and mountains are calling to you! Take advantage of it while you can. You won't regret it.
8. Do not ever waste a chance to tell someone you love them.
Whether they're going to die tomorrow or live for 100 more years, tell them you love them. They need to hear it, and they deserve to hear it. Plus, you should want to tell them!
9. No matter how against you the world may seem, God is always fighting for you.
Things may not seem to be going your way. Everyone may seem to be against you, but the Creator of the entire universe is on your side. Don't ever forget about Him. Psalm 118:6: "The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? "
10. Worry and stress will not ever help a situation.
This one's huge. I know college is stressful. Trust me, I know. But I promise, going into a situation stressed and worried about the outcome will never make the outcome any better. You are capable of conquering it, so do it without the panic attacks and acne breakouts. You can do it.
11. Always, always give hugs.
Hugs actually are chemically beneficial to reducing feelings of loneliness and sadness. Not only that, but they're affirming and endearing. Hug someone. They may really, really need it.
12. You won't always be able to help everyone, especially on your own.
This one's really important because a lot of the time, we feel like we need to fix everything. But sometimes, we can't. Be there for someone and show them that they're loved, but don't beat yourself up if you can't fix everything for them.
13. Always find delight in the little things.
We let the little things pass us by when we really shouldn't. Not doing anything? Go watch the sunset. Don't have something to be grateful for? Be grateful for the color red. Or blue. Or green. Whichever you prefer. Like the feeling of the grass on your toes? Go dance barefoot. Do not ignore or forget the little things that give you pleasure.
14. Kind words go a long way.
Words are wastefully thrown around most of the time, but man oh man, purposefully kind words go a long way. If you admire something about someone, tell them. If you love someone, tell them. If you miss someone, tell them. People want to be special. People will remember the kind things you said about them.
15. Be selfless, not selfish.
Sometimes we just want to take, take, and take some more. You would be surprised to find that sometimes giving will be a lot more rewarding than receiving. The feeling of knowing you were responsible for someone's smile will change you a whole lot more than receiving a gift will.
16. Give the same kind of love you want to receive.
Want someone to love you extraordinarily? Love someone else that way first. Want to receive love letters? Send someone to someone else first. If you want it, don't you think others do, too?
17. Don't ever forget to be thankful.
We have countless things to be thankful for. Literally countless. Don't forget to be thankful for them. You'll realize you have more than you ever thought you did, and definitely more than you deserve.
Life is messy, but so, so sweet. When it gets hard, remember what's most important. If you haven't made a list of your own, I challenge you to! It'll get you thinking not only about what you want in life, but who you want to be in life, too.