Trends come and go.
Take Silly Bandz for example; they were here and gone within the next month. Some stay for longer periods of time, while others leave and come back.
Whatever it may be, here are trends that should definitely stay gone forever (as in burn every picture that holds these trends):
1. Wavy Eyebrows
I really don't understand how this has gotten as popular as it is. It's strange and makes your face look like Squidward and his wavy arms:
2. Cold-Shoulder Tops
You pay top dollar for that soft and cute top from your favorite store, yet you don't get a discount for the missing fabric you have on your shoulders. I think it would be much cuter if it had the full sleeve. Nobody wants to look like they had a shark take a bite of their shirt.
(This is not to be confused with the cold-shoulder tops that are spaghetti straps. Those are less awkward and more elegant).
3. Tanks Over T-Shirts
Did we just all forget that we aren't twelve anymore? It was cute in fourth grade but now it's just childish. Please leave this fashion statement in the early 2000's where it belongs. The only admirable place to wear this is with your own child for Decades Day at school.
4. Short-Bangs
Granted, not everyone looks bad with this cut. Some people can really pull it off and rock the look. But the majority? Nah. Please skip this and go with bangs just above your eyebrows, or no bangs at all. You get points for trying though.
5. Crocs
I admit I had crocs when I was younger. But that's just the thing... I was young. I didn't know how awful those flimsy shoes looked with my outfit. Just wear them on decades day.... that is the only time they should come out of the closet.
6. Over-Highlighting
A little highlight can go a long way. You don't need to coat your whole brush with the shine. Just a little dab here and there and you'll be good. This makeup item needs to come with a warning sign: Might Blind You.
7. T-Shirts With Slogans on Them
What a waste of a cute outfit. It had so much potential and then they just had to slap words on it.
8. Pom-Poms on The End of Everything
This will never ever be cute. It's just a big ball of fluff that gets in the way and looks cheap.
9. Tracksuits
Leave it in the closet and choose a different outfit. Please.
10. Chokers
11. Glasses Without Lenses
At least have the decency to get lenses in them.
12. Leopard Print.
Leave that print to the animal.
13. Pajamas in Public.
There are certain instances in which you can do this. In college, high school, etc. Grown-ups, however, cannot.
14. "Festival" Fashion.
After a while, it all just blends together.
15. Dramatic Wing Eyeliner.
If you mess up, just use makeup remover; no need to continue to go over them.
16. Glossy Lids.
Why. Just why?
17. Fake Freckles
Society tells us to embrace who we are but then goes and encourages us to pull this crap.