17 Dorm Room Hacks From A Genuine Mount Holyoke Student | The Odyssey Online
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17 Dorm Room Hacks From A Genuine Mount Holyoke Student

Directly from life experience

17 Dorm Room Hacks From A Genuine Mount Holyoke Student
Public Domain

There are a lot of things to worry about when making that college transition. If you're planning to live at college and are totally stressed about dorm life, please minimize the stress. Most of the dorm horror stories you hear can be prevented with some planning. Here's 17 dorm hacks from a Genuine College Student that came directly from real life experiences.

1. Headphones=Life

Even if you don't regularly listen to music or podcasts, you need headphones! For watching films for class (or fun!), calling people on the phone, watching random YouTube videos at 2am, trust me you need headphones.

2. Lamps take up a lot of space

If you have a real need for light, that's fine. Just consider how much space those lampshades take up! If you're buying a new lamp, definitely find something sleek with a small footprint.

3. Think flexibility/multi-purpose for storage.

I got square cloth bins similar to these ones, and I was able to tuck them into random corners. My shelves were stackable cubes that clip together so they are totally customizable.

4. Remember all your school supplies

"Why do I need to bring elastic bands?"

"Lydia, please. They don't take up that much space"

*forever grateful to my parents at 2am when I needed a random elastic*

5. Bring ALL the toiletries

If you are frequently using stuff from your home medicine cabinet, it needs to come with you. Bandaids, witch hazel, an extra toothbrush, over-the-counter painkillers, tweezers, nail clippers are a few suggestions.

6. It doesn't have to be a "shower caddy"

All the stores make you buy "dorm supplies" that you don't really need. My shower stuff is contained in a stainless steel colander! Hear me out, the water drains out so your stuff doesn't get moldy AND the little feet keep it off the sketchy shower floor.

7. If you have a roommate, set clear rules from the start.

If something goes wrong or there's a major communication, it will totally help to have something clearly written out beforehand.

8. Be a considerate human though.

People will get weird or forgetful or simply have a bad day, so don't be mean. You do have to live with them after all.

9. Plants are nice

A real plant, or even some fake greenery and flowers can go a long way into making a place look and feel homey. And REAL plants will even add oxygen to a stuffy dorm room, double WIN!!

10. Don't be afraid to rearrange furniture

If you're always tripping over something or the aisle is too narrow or the sun shines in your eyes when you sit at your desk, MOVE SOMETHING AROUND! And don't be silly like me and wait until the final weeks of spring semester to try out a new arrangement.

11. A FEW decorations go a long way

It's a small space, okay, don't go overboard.

12. Bring easily washable stuff.

A rug that can't be vacuumed or a quilt that can't be washed WILL BE A DISASTER. I don't care how pretty it is!

13. Have snacks

As long as you don't have some medical reason against it, I'd strongly suggest having a little food in the room.
(Sometimes you need a cookie at 1am or an apple at 9:30pm when the dining halls are closed). It is just the way things areStore it appropriately so it doesn't go bad,

14. Do laundry at weird times

People get weirdly territorial about their laundry. Skip the drama and do laundry when other people are sleeping in or partying. (Late-night or early morning espicially on weekdays.)

15. Embrace the communal living

Spend time in the common rooms, say hello to your hall mates, do something with your neighbors one night.

16. Please clean!!

I know the semester gets busy, but living in filth is awful and will cost you time if you get sick, have to spend a whole day cleaning.

17. Have a "home base" away from your room.

This is my electrical outlet on the 6th floor of the library, gosh darn it!!

With all these dorm tricks, you'll be on to more important things, like graduating!!

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