Technology is constantly advancing. With this rise in technology comes a lot of students who want to dedicate their lives to studying it so that these advancements can continue to be made. These students spend hours studying, writing programs, and solving problems. Here are 17 things that only computing and technology majors will understand.
1. Learning your first programming language.
2. And mastering your first programming language.
3. The feeling of satisfaction when you finish your first difficult programming assignment.
4. When you know exactly how to solve a programming problem.
5. When you have literally no clue.
6. And those times when you have no idea why it works but it does.
7. Switching between programming languages.
8. Forgetting a semicolon.
9. Waiting last minute to start a project.
10. Being without your computer for more than 12 hours.
11. Being blinded by any light that is not the soft glow of your laptop.
12. Basically living on your computer.
13. Feeling like you have an excuse for playing video games.
This is totally related to my major right?
14. Knowing you could get a Math major if you took a few more classes.
but maybe you'll just stick with a minor.
15. Finding out you have to take physics.
I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS! (For those who don't take physics, I envy you.)
16. Thinking about giving up.
17. But knowing that no matter how difficult it is, this is what you are meant to be doing.
P.S. To the people "secretly" gaming in the back of class...
The vigorous mouse clicking gave it away.