Summer break just started and not gonna lie, I miss College Park. Sure College Park is a dump, but it's my dump. Our dump. In the end, we're lucky to call this place our home for a majority of the school year, and we're all going through withdrawals. Unless you're taking summer classes. My major sources of withdrawal will be:
1. Not having to answer to your parents when you come home at 3 AM
2. A free gym
3. Like 997 pizzerias open until 3 AM
4. Pizzerias with "character"
5. Tinder that doesn't immediately run out of people to swipe through
6. Wi-fi everywhere (yes I know it sucks but still)
7. Everything in walking distance
9. The interesting people in College Park that keep you on your toes
10. Cheap food and drinks
11. Turns out, Fishbowl Fridays aren't as much as a thing in your hometown
12. Or drafts on Sundays
13. Or rails on Wednesdays
14. They may be ripoffs, but all those convenient stores on campus are CONVENIENT
15. Not to be cliche but the sunsets are unreal
16. The large amount of friends within walking distance
17. Waking up past noon without judgment
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