Prepare yourself for some nostalgia- and cravings- as you scroll down this list of 17 candies you probably devoured as a child.
1. Wonderballs
Remember how fun it was to crack one of these open?
2. Baby Bottle Pops
You can probably still sing the "baby bottle pop" jingle from the commercials.
3. Flintstones Push Ups
These were both delicious and fun. Pushing the stick up in order to eat more sherbet from a cardboard container. Yum.
4. Fruit Stripe Gum
You didn't care that the taste lasted 10 seconds. These puppies had ZEBRA stripes on them!
5. Nerd Ropes
6. Warheads
Your goal was to try your hardest NOT to make the face on the wrapper.
7. Hubba Bubba Squeeze Pops
8. Now & Later
The equivalent of chewing on a rock that tastes like a fruit.
9. Pop Rocks
Remember when you thought eating pop rocks and then drinking Coca-Cola would make you explode?
10. Lollipop Paint Shop
A lollipop shaped like a paintbrush that you can dip in literal sugar.
11. Push Pops
"Don't push ME, push a Push Pop!"
12. Gobstoppers
Thanks to Willy Wonka and his good ole' chocolate factory we were blessed with the candy that changes colors and flavors as it shrinks.
13. Candy Necklace
A choker that you could also eat! Until the string snaps and the candy goes everywhere.
14. Pixy Stix
These just scream, "adult swim at the neighborhood pool concession stand!"
15. Too Tarts Sour Spray
Why did we enjoy sour candy so much?
16. PEZ
If you ate PEZ you just had to have a cool dispenser or else what was the point?
17. Rock Candy
Rock candy lollipops can only be described as "special." A lollipop that looked like a crystal and tasted like sugar? Genius.