As the youngest child, do you often feel like you could not be anymore unlike your siblings? This may very well be because of the psychological effects on personality traits due to birth order. For example, first borns are often mini-adults, aiming to please their parents by being reliable, conscientious, and high (over) achieving. The middle child is often a somewhat rebellious people-pleaser and peacemaker as they often mediate fights between other siblings. And then there's you: the baby. Us babies are quite fun-loving, uncomplicated and outgoing folk despite the negative personality traits that many psychologists try to argue that we have (i.e. manipulative, self-centered, and attention seeking). Obviously the psychologists are completely wrong because being the youngest child is straight up awesome, and there is nothing not to love about the family baby. The following are just a few reasons why being the youngest child not only has amazing benefits, but also makes you probably the most fantabulous person in your family (I wrote "probably" because we know how sensitive our siblings can be).
1. You always get away with shit ![]()
Whether this is a god-given ability or just because you are just so damn cute, you never seem to get in trouble for anything. An added bonus to this talent is that it pisses off your older siblings and clearly, you never miss an opportunity to torture them.
2. You can play the victim card whenever you want![]()
This card is always up your sleeve not only because you are a master at puppy dog eyes, but also because you truly are the victim in every situation imaginable. As the youngest in the family, you are a sweet, innocent baby untouched by the world's cynicism. Why would anybody want to hurt you?
3. You always get what you want
Whether it is your birthday, Christmas, a shopping spree, or just a normal day, you always get what you want and there is nothing wrong with that because you don't flaunt this gift/talent of yours and you most certainly are not greedy. Your siblings and other rude people may try to twist this fact into being something terrible and heinous, but ignore that idea as you know in your heart what you truly deserve! It's hard being you!
4. Your parents give up on micromanaging you![]()
By the time your parents had you, they considered themselves experts and had thus learned that nitpicking on every little thing you do is not only a
5. You are straight up amazing at manipulating people
You have mastered the art of making people do things for you without them even realizing they are doing them. You can mindlessly work people with your complete and utter BS while you bask in your glorious laziness. Just remember: With great power comes great responsibility.
6. Everybody loves you
Honestly, everybody does. Why wouldn't they? After all, you're cute, sweet, adorable, fun, etc. It's your world, everyone else is just living in it. Your older siblings are just jealous, so don't listen to them.
7. You can use your older siblings for help on schoolwork
As the youngest sibling, you are almost always currently enrolled in classes that your siblings had taken during previous years. Not only can you save their precious notes and assignments for your own personal use *cough* *cough* copying, but you also have their minds at your dispense. Your parents will almost certainly require them to assist you in your classes because they are your family and that's what family members do, they help each other.
8. You learn from your siblings' dumbass mistakes
9. You are great at starting shit
10. You know more than your older siblings in every subject
11. You don't have to share things
12. You are adorable af
Do I even need to go into this one? I mean, obviously, you're adorable because you're the baby! Your adorableness is practically the sole reason for this entire list of benefits!
13. You have your own personal group of chauffeurs i.e. your older siblings
Being the last person in your family to receive your drivers license the role of "chauffeur" falls upon the eldest child in the household. They have to drive you and your friends everywhere and listen to your incredibly helpful constructive criticism of their subpar driving skills as mommy and daddy said they must. This is also beneficial because once your siblings move out of the house, you have the car all to yourself! Queue the musical stylings of your majestic singing voice during your solo car jam sessions!
14. You enjoy free entertainment when your parents yell at your siblings on the daily
Nothing beats watching your siblings' get pummeled with lectures and criticisms as tears swell in their eyes while you watch from the sidelines in complete bliss. Sometimes you get so into watching the argument, you keep score of who is winning and throw in comments to fuel the fire. Just be sure to always have a bucket of popcorn lying around!
15. People always think you are the oldest sibling because of your incredible maturity
You were born wise beyond your years oh young one and sometimes that wisdom goes unnoticed or even (god forbid) disrespected. People often rule you out based on your age, but you know your own level of maturity and strangers seem to as well since they often mistake you for the oldest. Be sure to watch the look on your older siblings' faces because it is always priceless!
16. You are always the center of attention
Again, this
one is a given. Clearly, being adorable, smart, fun, hilarious...sorry lost my train of thought there. What I was getting at is that its not as if you want or need the attention, it is involuntarily thrust upon you as no one can help but want to know more about you as they are mesmerized by your sheer and utter greatness