1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: The Ghosts Inside The White House | The Odyssey Online
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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: The Ghosts Inside The White House

*contacts a President Ghost to get some dirty secrets or gossip from their tenure*

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: The Ghosts Inside The White House
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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, better known as The White House in Washington D.C. is known to be quite haunted, and not just by our current president. To be honest, how could The White House not be haunted due to all the people who have resided in the house since 1792?

George Washington picked the spot for the White House, and after the cornerstone was in 1792 and began constructed, it was somewhat finished eight years later for the second President of the USA, John Adams, and his family to move into. But the house was rebuilt due to it being set on fire by the British during the War of 1812. Probably their response for the overthrowing of the tea back in Boston.

But, throughout its course to serve as the President's house, some first ladies, White House staff members, and some guests have reported feeling a ghost presence at times, hearing unexplained noises and sometimes running into apparitions.

*All information below can be found on History Channel's Website.

1. Abigail Adams

Abigail mostly resided in the east room during her tenure due to it being the warmest and driest. She would hang her wash. There have been reported sights of Abigail's ghost being clad in a cap with a lace shawl on and usually heading towards the east room with her arms stretched out as if she is carrying a load of laundry.

2. David Burns

David Burns who supposedly haunts the White House was the individual who sold the government most of the land the White House was built on.

Lillian Rogers Parks who was a seamstress recalls a story she heard throughout the halls of the White House during President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The valet to President Roosevelt reportedly heard a voice come from a distance in the Yellow Oval Room saying they were "Mr. Burns."

Also, during President Harry S. Truman's presidency, a guard also heard a voice similar to Rogers story. The guard thought it was the Secretary of State James Byrnes, but after he went looking for him and ended up with a dead end, he learned Byrnes wasn't at the White House the entire day.

3. Andrew Jackson

President Andrew Jackson who's bedroom was said to be The Rose Room is rumored to be the most haunted room in the White House.

President Truman even said to his wife in a letter that he heard ghosts walking up and down the hallway late at night and in the study where he would do most of his work. He said the floors pop and the drapes move back and forth. (Which in all honesty, the noises can be the house settling like most old places do and maybe a slight breeze or something so I sort of find the floor sounds and drapes hard to believe in this case).

4. The 16th President - Abraham Lincoln

Supposedly the most reported sighting is good old Abe Lincoln- Honest Abe. Grace Coolidge, wife of President Calvin Coolidge is said to be one of the first people to have seen Lincoln's ghost. According to Grace, she saw a lanky figure looking out a window in the Oval Office.

Wife of President Lyndon Johnson Lady Bird Johnson rumored to have felt Lincoln's presence one night while watching a television program about his death.

During President Roosevelt's tenure, Eleanor who used the Lincoln bedroom as her study would feel his presence when working late at night. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands who made a visit heard a knock at her door, reportedly saw the ghost of Lincoln with a top hat and then it fainted away.

People have also seen Lincoln pacing the floor or sitting by the fireplace in certain rooms throughout the White House.

The White House has had its fair share of staff members, visitors and first families reside during its time since the early 1800's. And with history and secrets basically seeping through the walls, the White House would be the ideal place to try and learn some top secret information, such as Area 51.

I can't be the only one who wants to know what's hiding in Area 51 and what better way to find out than the ghosts of the White House?

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