I consider myself the ultimate logophile (a lover of words) and I believe that we should all expand our vocabulary as much as we possibly can. Here are 16 words that we should use more for the rest of 2016, either because their meaning is extremely relevant or they are just gorgeous and elegant:
Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/151574343683193879/
1. Serendipity
What It Means: finding something good without looking for it
2. Pernicious
What It Means: causing harm or ruin, deadly, fatal
Source: www.nick.com
3. Quaintrelle
What It Means:a woman who emphasizes a life of passion and expresses that passion through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm and cultivation of life's pleasures
4. Hoppipolla
What It Means: jumping into puddles
Source: http://momentsbyali.com/we-want-warmer-days/
5. Celestial
What It Means:pertaining totheskyorvisibleheaven,ortotheuniversebeyondthe earth’satmosphere
6. Opulent
What It Means:wealthy, rich, luxurious
7. Ethereal
What It Means:extremely delicate, light
8. Quixotic
What It Means:extravagantly chivalrous or romantic
Source: www.peanuts.com
9. Catharsis
What It Means: the purging or release of emotional tensions, especially through kinds of art or music
10. Petrichor
What It Means: the smell of earth after it rains
11. Aurora
What It Means: dawn
Source: www.pexels.com
12. Vivacious
What It Means:full of life and good spirits
13. Amaranthine
What It Means:1. undying, immortal, eternally beautiful 2. a deep purple red color
Source: https://www.pinterest.com/miadca/purple-amaranthin...
14. Tohubohu
What It Means:chaos, disorder, confusion
15. Meliorism
What It Means:the belief that the state of the world can be improved
16. Scintillate
What It Means:to twinkle like the stars
Source: https://www.reference.com/science/stars-twinkle-pl...
Go forth and use big words.